daffodil, data frames for optimized data inspection and logical processing with Ray Lutz

data data frame

Speaker: Ray Lutz

Ray Lutz

daffodil (data frames for optimized data inspection and logical (processing)), which can create data frame instances similar to pandas, but using conventional python data types.

This means no conversion to/from the Pandas world, which I have found from testing has a very high overhead. In fact, unless you plan to do at least 30 repetitive column-based operations (like sums, etc) then you should just stay in python world and avoid the conversion time, and you win. But for many, time is not of the essence, or they stay in Pandas world and never need any python. The syntax is easy to use and I am extending it to use SQL database to allow for large table size and use of the robust joins, etc. The SQL part is under work and not released yet.


1 00:00:02.370 --> 00:00:06.679 Gabor Szabo: Hello and welcome to the Code Maven meeting a meeting group

2 00:00:06.860 --> 00:00:12.580 Gabor Szabo: and Youtube Channel. If you are watching this on Youtube, thank you very much for everyone who joined us.

3 00:00:13.080 --> 00:00:17.649 Gabor Szabo: and especially thanks Ray, for giving this talk.

4 00:00:17.790 --> 00:00:26.829 Gabor Szabo: My name is Gabor Sabo. I usually teach python and rust and help companies introduce these languages or introduce testing in these languages.

5 00:00:27.030 --> 00:00:33.439 Gabor Szabo: And I also organize these meetings because I think it's very important to share knowledge and

6 00:00:33.640 --> 00:00:38.700 Gabor Szabo: the Zoom Meetings. And it is online. Events allow us to to

7 00:00:39.040 --> 00:00:47.660 Gabor Szabo: learn from each other, even if they are halfway around the world. And so with that, let me

8 00:00:48.120 --> 00:00:52.799 Gabor Szabo: give the word to you, Ray, and please introduce yourself and and just go ahead.

9 00:00:53.030 --> 00:01:15.399 Gabor Szabo: One thing sorry. Just one thing. Those who are here feel free to ask questions, either in the chat or in the or just speak up. Ray will tell you how it's going to work out. Just remember, if you're recording this, it's going to be in Youtube. So if you don't want to be in your in Youtube, then just write.

10 00:01:15.570 --> 00:01:17.069 Gabor Szabo: So thank you, it's yours.

11 00:01:17.660 --> 00:01:25.920 Ray Lutz: Okay, thank you so much. Gabor. Yes, my name is Ray Lutz. I'm let me go on to the let me share my screen here so we can get started.

12 00:01:27.660 --> 00:01:36.300 Ray Lutz: I am actually not that much that long term of a python user, you know only about maybe 5, 6 years.

13 00:01:36.925 --> 00:01:43.150 Ray Lutz: And then I had quite a wealth of experience before that with other languages, including.

14 00:01:43.320 --> 00:01:58.208 Ray Lutz: you know, assembly language. See? You know, Perl you know, Javascript, all these other kind of languages in one form or another, even though I do really like python. So I I did kind of settle on that

15 00:01:59.190 --> 00:02:00.310 Ray Lutz: for now.

16 00:02:00.670 --> 00:02:08.970 Ray Lutz: And so essentially, today, we're going to talk about this package called Daffodil.

17 00:02:09.110 --> 00:02:19.119 Ray Lutz: And it is data frames for optimized data inspection and logical processing. I came up with that later, you know, after we've chose the name. But

18 00:02:19.290 --> 00:02:26.149 Ray Lutz: the idea is that you see a lot. Df, if you use pandas, you're talking about data frames. Df, and

19 00:02:26.300 --> 00:02:35.600 Ray Lutz: so we wanted something kind of like that. And we use daf. So you know, throughout the code, if you see daf, you know that it's a daffodil data frame

20 00:02:35.710 --> 00:02:37.769 Ray Lutz: instead of a pandas.

21 00:02:39.390 --> 00:02:43.949 Ray Lutz: And I have a Master's degree, mostly electronics. I did do

22 00:02:44.810 --> 00:02:51.010 Ray Lutz: various medical devices and and document processing in my career.

23 00:02:52.170 --> 00:03:05.290 Ray Lutz: Most recently I'm developing audit engine, which is a ballot image auditing platform for checking elections. And underneath the citizens oversight, which is a nonprofit organization.

24 00:03:05.940 --> 00:03:11.629 Ray Lutz: Now, why, Daffodil, we already have pandas. So why would we need something new?

25 00:03:11.760 --> 00:03:20.499 Ray Lutz: Well, I needed a two-dimensional data type sort of a table structure. And so I started using pandas

26 00:03:21.433 --> 00:03:26.579 Ray Lutz: for almost everything I I use. You know, these 2 dimensional tables are really handy.

27 00:03:26.990 --> 00:03:31.890 Ray Lutz: but it turns out that pandas is mostly designed for numerics and

28 00:03:33.630 --> 00:03:35.880 Ray Lutz: it uses numpy under the hood.

29 00:03:37.400 --> 00:03:46.650 Ray Lutz: and so it's slow, really slow for row based operations, and some of them are now not even allowed. So you can't do an append

30 00:03:46.920 --> 00:03:51.099 Ray Lutz: like a Panda row. Seems like a basic thing you might want to do

31 00:03:51.290 --> 00:03:58.989 Ray Lutz: that's now not supported at all in pandas, because they know it's so desperately a disaster.

32 00:03:59.756 --> 00:04:04.090 Ray Lutz: So then you have to go over and and use something else. If you want to do that sort of thing

33 00:04:05.070 --> 00:04:06.400 Ray Lutz: and

34 00:04:07.280 --> 00:04:16.359 Ray Lutz: and also apply, they say, don't use, apply and apply is kind of a handy thing, which means you go row by row, and you apply some function to it

35 00:04:16.760 --> 00:04:18.329 Ray Lutz: at each row.

36 00:04:18.519 --> 00:04:22.530 Ray Lutz: And so you can't do that either, they said. We're deprecating all these things.

37 00:04:22.740 --> 00:04:27.689 Ray Lutz: I think you can still do apply. But they say, you know, it's really not recommended at all.

38 00:04:28.470 --> 00:04:29.809 Ray Lutz: And then

39 00:04:31.010 --> 00:04:39.919 Ray Lutz: it turns out also, when we're using files that are kind of a weird formats. Pandas assumes a lot when it reads them in.

40 00:04:40.090 --> 00:04:46.950 Ray Lutz: and you have to go jump through a lot of hoops to get it to just read it in like like something without doing anything.

41 00:04:47.090 --> 00:04:49.320 Ray Lutz: and then convert things as you go.

42 00:04:50.075 --> 00:04:53.209 Ray Lutz: It has some other problems, too, and we'll get into that.

43 00:04:53.360 --> 00:05:14.250 Ray Lutz: So this is when I started looking for another data type, and I had some various ones that I started using. And I ended up standardizing on this type of a two-dimensional data frame which is based on a list of lists. I call it a lol doesn't mean laughing out loud. It's a list of list type.

44 00:05:14.800 --> 00:05:17.030 Ray Lutz: And so it's a

45 00:05:17.430 --> 00:05:27.109 Ray Lutz: it's a python list. And in each each of these lists you have a additional list, and it's it's rectangular in form.

46 00:05:27.360 --> 00:05:33.910 Ray Lutz: So every single row is the same length, and it has a certain thing. So it's it's a rectangular

47 00:05:34.130 --> 00:05:39.620 Ray Lutz: array, but it's not the array type. It's a list of lists. So it's easy to add to.

48 00:05:39.780 --> 00:05:53.780 Ray Lutz: relatively easy to splice and insert insert rows or columns. You can do a lot of things fairly easily, mostly inserting and and rows as easy columns. Not quite so easy. But

49 00:05:55.260 --> 00:05:58.310 Ray Lutz: it's fairly malleable. And then

50 00:05:58.450 --> 00:06:07.459 Ray Lutz: also you can put anything at all in any one of these cells, and python will handle it just fine, so you could put a whole pandas array in here. If you want.

51 00:06:07.910 --> 00:06:13.879 Ray Lutz: you could put a whole numpy array of a million things in one cell if you want. Okay, so that's

52 00:06:14.000 --> 00:06:15.800 Ray Lutz: it's very versatile that way.

53 00:06:16.280 --> 00:06:27.199 Ray Lutz: So the basic thing is that you have this array, which is just numbered, and the numbers here don't stick to the columns and rows like they do in pandas?

54 00:06:28.680 --> 00:06:36.939 Ray Lutz: maybe other things. They they float like they would in a regular spreadsheet. So if you move the the rows around, the numbers of the rows

55 00:06:37.130 --> 00:06:42.429 Ray Lutz: are going to stay in the same order, even though you might have moved something up there and so forth.

56 00:06:42.870 --> 00:06:47.700 Ray Lutz: But then you can also optionally have names for each column.

57 00:06:47.940 --> 00:06:56.250 Ray Lutz: data types for the name for the columns and a separate type data types object that explains what those are.

58 00:06:56.420 --> 00:07:20.869 Ray Lutz: And then Optional row keys. Okay, these are both dictionaries. So the Header Dictionary, HD. And the Row Keys Key Dictionary are a special type of dictionary which gives you the number of the column, or the number of the row in the dictionary, so I don't know what you call this exactly, but I end up calling it a keyed list.

59 00:07:21.060 --> 00:07:27.140 Ray Lutz: In other words, this, this is this is the the the key.

60 00:07:27.430 --> 00:07:31.920 Ray Lutz: We'll go into the key list later. But but essentially this is the key.

61 00:07:32.310 --> 00:07:36.460 Ray Lutz: and this is the number that refers to an item in a list.

62 00:07:36.860 --> 00:07:37.940 Ray Lutz: And

63 00:07:39.230 --> 00:07:47.170 Ray Lutz: so your your dictionary would have a a key, and the value is always 0 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth.

64 00:07:47.350 --> 00:08:04.169 Ray Lutz: And there isn't a standard function for this in python like there is like like you can have from keys, and you can give it a single value, and it can have nones all the way, or zeros, whatever you want all the way through. But it doesn't have it automatically. But it's easy to make.

65 00:08:04.410 --> 00:08:06.249 Ray Lutz: So this is what it looks like.

66 00:08:09.330 --> 00:08:20.650 Ray Lutz: Now, as I said, the Row keys and the Header Dictionary are dictionaries, but these are all optional. You could start with nothing, just an array of list of lists, and you still get all the functionality.

67 00:08:20.950 --> 00:08:23.839 Ray Lutz: But you would have to be using these indexes here.

68 00:08:24.280 --> 00:08:25.830 Ray Lutz: All right, let's go on to next.

69 00:08:26.100 --> 00:08:30.579 Ray Lutz: So essentially what my problem was this, if you have.

70 00:08:31.090 --> 00:08:36.630 Ray Lutz: you want to use pandas, and you import pandas here. And you say, I want to start a new data frame.

71 00:08:37.280 --> 00:08:43.970 Ray Lutz: and let's say you go through a bunch of Urls, and you harvest stuff from web pages, and you want to append to this array.

72 00:08:45.200 --> 00:08:46.570 Ray Lutz: If you say

73 00:08:46.690 --> 00:08:55.020 Ray Lutz: my data frame dot, append the web page metadata. You just take a dictionary, and you want to add it to the bottom of the pandas array.

74 00:08:55.250 --> 00:08:59.530 Ray Lutz: It's horrible! And this, in fact, this has been banned by

75 00:08:59.970 --> 00:09:02.950 Ray Lutz: the Pandas people. You can't append anymore.

76 00:09:03.190 --> 00:09:06.760 Ray Lutz: They they just said, This doesn't exist. That's how bad it is.

77 00:09:06.860 --> 00:09:09.240 Ray Lutz: Now, what were they doing? Why is it so bad.

78 00:09:09.420 --> 00:09:14.370 Ray Lutz: It's because what pandas is is, let me go back a second.

79 00:09:15.120 --> 00:09:18.980 Ray Lutz: I gotta. What is it? Shift to go back control?

80 00:09:20.630 --> 00:09:22.279 Ray Lutz: I gotta go with the keys.

81 00:09:23.050 --> 00:09:31.609 Ray Lutz: Okay, so what pandas is is essentially a numpy array vertically right here in a dictionary

82 00:09:32.010 --> 00:09:36.450 Ray Lutz: where you have the name of the dictionary, and the value

83 00:09:36.650 --> 00:09:41.830 Ray Lutz: is a numpy array vertically, and you've got to think of it that way, and they're all the same length.

84 00:09:42.370 --> 00:09:45.710 Ray Lutz: So the numpy array has data in

85 00:09:48.260 --> 00:09:57.079 Ray Lutz: numpy arrays. The data is, is, each value is like rammed up against each other. There's nothing else unlike Python, where

86 00:09:57.270 --> 00:10:06.190 Ray Lutz: even an integer, or whatever you have in here takes quite a bit of overhead. Usually it'll be like, I think, 28 Byte, just to represent an integer. There's a lot of overhead generally.

87 00:10:06.540 --> 00:10:12.820 Ray Lutz: and if you have, if you put a dictionary in each row, then you have the key for each one. That's I'll get into that in a second.

88 00:10:13.010 --> 00:10:19.259 Ray Lutz: My point, though, is that in a pandas array you have the the name, and you have a

89 00:10:20.950 --> 00:10:28.160 Ray Lutz: numpy array, and if you want to add to the bottom. You have to create all new numpy arrays, or us add to each one.

90 00:10:28.480 --> 00:10:32.420 Ray Lutz: They don't let you just add each one. They they create a whole new array every time.

91 00:10:32.770 --> 00:10:37.929 Ray Lutz: so they copy it over and add to the bottom, copy it over, add to the bottom, copy it over it. That's how they do it.

92 00:10:38.240 --> 00:10:39.739 Ray Lutz: And so it takes a long time

93 00:10:41.630 --> 00:10:51.909 Ray Lutz: if you're appending. So they they basically have disallowed this. So if you're not going to do that. Then you can do this. You can say, I want to make a list of dictionaries. I call it a lod.

94 00:10:52.460 --> 00:10:56.850 Ray Lutz: Okay? And it's a list of dictionaries with string keys and anything inside.

95 00:10:57.230 --> 00:11:05.030 Ray Lutz: And then you read the web page and you put your metadata dict and you append to the list of dictionaries. This will work fine.

96 00:11:06.100 --> 00:11:06.680 Gabor Szabo: Be fast

97 00:11:06.840 --> 00:11:15.420 Gabor Szabo: sorry. Let me just say something related to this. It's interesting, because in, in, I think in both in go and in rust

98 00:11:16.160 --> 00:11:21.789 Gabor Szabo: this you can. You can allocate more. Place space for these arrays.

99 00:11:22.090 --> 00:11:47.780 Gabor Szabo: even if you don't use them. So you can say that. Okay, I'm going to have at the end. I'm going to have a hundred or 1,000 long of these vectors or arrays right now. I have one item in there and then, whenever you so, the memory is already allocated, so you can append up till 1,000 without this overhead of recreating the whole array.

100 00:11:48.210 --> 00:11:58.869 Ray Lutz: They could have done a better job in pandas because they would not need to copy over the whole thing. I didn't even know they were doing that when I 1st started.

101 00:11:59.030 --> 00:12:07.589 Ray Lutz: And so I noticed when I got you know, when the array started to get pretty big that it just started to slow down to a snail space. And so what is this? Well.

102 00:12:07.710 --> 00:12:19.159 Ray Lutz: and then, in the documentation it says, Don't do this. What you're going to have to do is create something else, a list of dictionaries, and then at one fell swoop take your list of dictionaries and convert it into a data frame.

103 00:12:19.460 --> 00:12:21.690 Ray Lutz: and then it'll be reasonably fast.

104 00:12:22.100 --> 00:12:24.400 Ray Lutz: But this turns out, is very slow.

105 00:12:26.672 --> 00:12:33.759 Ray Lutz: But it's way faster than than the appending. Okay, so if you're going through and appending to the bottom of the array.

106 00:12:35.960 --> 00:12:42.792 Ray Lutz: this will be faster. But then this part right here is actually kind of slow. But if that's all you're gonna do. And you're just gonna write it out to a cash flow

107 00:12:43.140 --> 00:12:44.440 Ray Lutz: Csv file.

108 00:12:44.650 --> 00:12:50.110 Ray Lutz: Then then you've just wasted a lot of time because you didn't need to go through this here

109 00:12:50.700 --> 00:13:01.689 Ray Lutz: you could. You could just write it straight out. But if you did do a couple of things with it before you did that, you know you you maybe summed everything one time, and you added everything up.

110 00:13:02.681 --> 00:13:08.649 Ray Lutz: Maybe you did some other manipulation. You thought being in Panda's world was was a good idea.

111 00:13:09.272 --> 00:13:11.810 Ray Lutz: But then you had this overhead of doing this.

112 00:13:12.020 --> 00:13:16.770 Ray Lutz: So this works. But it turns out this is very slow, and when you time it.

113 00:13:17.350 --> 00:13:29.710 Ray Lutz: going from a list of dictionaries into pandas with, this is a 1 million integer table, a thousand by a thousand. Okay, that's the size table that we're using for our benchmark.

114 00:13:30.230 --> 00:13:40.079 Ray Lutz: Now, would Pandas normally have a thousand columns? No, right? Because most Panda, you know, most data tables have. Yeah, very few columns.

115 00:13:40.280 --> 00:13:43.350 Ray Lutz: Usually. Yeah, 20 to 30 columns is a big one.

116 00:13:44.218 --> 00:13:49.599 Ray Lutz: For the data tables I'm working with. They have a lot of columns. Okay, like

117 00:13:49.740 --> 00:13:57.470 Ray Lutz: something with 5,000 columns is is pretty big, but you'll see stuff under that and a lot of it. 3, 400 columns.

118 00:13:57.570 --> 00:14:00.429 Ray Lutz: So a thousand by 1,000, not unusual, that I see.

119 00:14:00.850 --> 00:14:12.250 Ray Lutz: and when you convert this in Daffodil, you take the list of dictionaries and make a list of lists with, you know, formatted for daffodil. It takes 139.

120 00:14:13.810 --> 00:14:15.009 Ray Lutz: What is it?

121 00:14:15.770 --> 00:14:22.660 Ray Lutz: Microseconds! Milliseconds, I believe Pandas takes 5,600 more than 5 seconds

122 00:14:23.640 --> 00:14:25.830 Ray Lutz: more than 5 seconds to convert

123 00:14:25.970 --> 00:14:31.070 Ray Lutz: it into pandas. So it is a ridiculous bottleneck.

124 00:14:31.830 --> 00:14:32.700 Ray Lutz: Okay.

125 00:14:33.350 --> 00:14:50.620 Ray Lutz: it takes 139 like, look at the difference here, and if you multiply this out, even though pandas is really really fast. To do certain things like summing columns is ridiculously fast compared to Daffodil. I can sum columns here at 191 ms.

126 00:14:50.720 --> 00:14:52.359 Ray Lutz: It takes only 4.

127 00:14:52.810 --> 00:14:56.289 Ray Lutz: So that's a big difference. So you do a big savings here.

128 00:14:56.430 --> 00:15:09.510 Ray Lutz: If you do a lot of these, then this might make up for this big difference here, but it takes a lot. It takes at least 30, all columns, doing all columns, all sum standard deviation. You got to do 30 of those

129 00:15:10.120 --> 00:15:12.950 Ray Lutz: before you make up for converting it into pandas.

130 00:15:14.670 --> 00:15:30.780 Ray Lutz: So for just a few things like summing columns or something, or just manipulating the data a little bit. You're just better off not getting into pandas because of this ridiculous conversion factor. Now, I tried to get around this problem here.

131 00:15:31.560 --> 00:15:34.549 Ray Lutz: and they're also another problem with pandas.

132 00:15:34.760 --> 00:15:38.289 Ray Lutz: This is integers as soon as you add a string.

133 00:15:39.620 --> 00:15:49.650 Ray Lutz: and and this is the size the size here is 38 MB. Believe it's megabytes for

134 00:15:49.750 --> 00:15:53.450 Ray Lutz: a million integers, and

135 00:15:55.600 --> 00:16:05.859 Ray Lutz: they they're only at 9.3, so it's quite a bit more compact and a pandas. Right, if you have just integers or just floats.

136 00:16:06.190 --> 00:16:12.950 Ray Lutz: but if you get a string. Then this goes up and becomes quite a bit larger by 10 times

137 00:16:13.730 --> 00:16:18.089 Ray Lutz: what, and quite a bit larger than a daffodil table, which really doesn't go up very much.

138 00:16:19.250 --> 00:16:26.170 Ray Lutz: Okay. So then, you know, numpy, we can convert things to numpy really quickly.

139 00:16:26.440 --> 00:16:33.029 Ray Lutz: 48 ms going to numpy, and from numpy doesn't take very long.

140 00:16:33.290 --> 00:16:36.139 Ray Lutz: and then you can manipulate in numpy

141 00:16:36.630 --> 00:16:47.929 Ray Lutz: one column at a time, or or add columns together, or sum the columns. Whatever you want to do. You can then do it directly in numpy and skip over pandas. Pandas is also a big beast.

142 00:16:48.170 --> 00:16:52.400 Ray Lutz: It takes a long time to load, so if you use daffodil.

143 00:16:52.890 --> 00:17:13.309 Ray Lutz: you import daffodil, and then you you create a daffodil array. You can't click on this, or it goes to the next thing. I can't highlight for that reason, but you create a daffodil. Array my daff, and then I go through the URL, and I get this stuff, and I append the dictionary to Daffodil array

144 00:17:13.369 --> 00:17:25.439 Ray Lutz: done, and then I simply write it out directly, and I skip over this thing here. Now. I was in a bad habit of using these pandas arrays for almost everything, because they're so handy.

145 00:17:25.760 --> 00:17:37.760 Ray Lutz: But little did I know that my code was getting to be really slow because of the conversion of the list of dictionaries over to Pandas was taking a long time every single time and then back.

146 00:17:40.047 --> 00:17:45.620 Ray Lutz: So this is when I came up with daffodil, and and you know what it provides is

147 00:17:46.060 --> 00:17:51.780 Ray Lutz: a way of also indexing into these. Now, if you just used a list of dictionaries.

148 00:17:52.210 --> 00:18:06.820 Ray Lutz: if you think about it? You have for every single row the keys are repeated, and then the next row. You repeat the keys, and you repeat the keys. Repeat the keys. So every single row has a lot of overhead, because the keys are being repeated.

149 00:18:09.260 --> 00:18:22.100 Ray Lutz: so when you crunch that down, you know, if we if we if we look back at the at the data, at the data type here, and you see in the row here, it's only that for each row. You just have a list of values.

150 00:18:22.260 --> 00:18:30.510 Ray Lutz: and you don't have the keys. The keys are one time, only you don't need them every single row. So you crunch all the keys up into one row.

151 00:18:31.090 --> 00:18:40.619 Ray Lutz: and then the indexing goes 2 times. So 1st you get the index of the list, and then you index into the list to get the data item. So it's 1 more step to get to it.

152 00:18:42.290 --> 00:18:48.650 Ray Lutz: But these are lists, and there's a lot of benefits to that

153 00:18:51.000 --> 00:18:59.080 Ray Lutz: 1st of all, we can use this type of indexing in python, which they provide all this as part of their infrastructure, so that you can write code

154 00:18:59.240 --> 00:19:02.600 Ray Lutz: that uses the indexing row column to.

155 00:19:03.040 --> 00:19:07.930 Ray Lutz: or you can use it for anything. But in this case the 1st index is row and then column

156 00:19:10.398 --> 00:19:16.771 Ray Lutz: so their own column can be integers, and and that can be either the array index

157 00:19:17.550 --> 00:19:18.500 Ray Lutz: or

158 00:19:20.240 --> 00:19:28.510 Ray Lutz: it can be, if you want it to be, but you have to go. If it's an integer it assumes it's going to be the array index and not a

159 00:19:28.790 --> 00:19:31.040 Ray Lutz: going through the dictionaries.

160 00:19:31.720 --> 00:19:37.109 Ray Lutz: If you want to go through the array index and you have to use a method. But

161 00:19:38.641 --> 00:19:43.559 Ray Lutz: if it's a string, then it assumes that it's a key into the dictionaries.

162 00:19:44.120 --> 00:19:57.309 Ray Lutz: and it can be a list of integers which, then, is the list of array indices that you want to choose. It can be a list of strings. It can be a list of string keys, so you can pull out individual rows, individual columns.

163 00:19:57.570 --> 00:20:03.520 Ray Lutz: Whatever you want, you can index, an individual position, and the array

164 00:20:03.790 --> 00:20:08.950 Ray Lutz: you can slice and dice it you can give it a

165 00:20:09.200 --> 00:20:14.760 Ray Lutz: a range of indexes like 5 to 10, which gives you 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,

166 00:20:15.510 --> 00:20:20.010 Ray Lutz: or you can do a range of keys in a close, closed

167 00:20:20.340 --> 00:20:28.939 Ray Lutz: kind, of which we use a tuple for that. So it's like from C to A, B, so from like column C to column A, B,

168 00:20:29.140 --> 00:20:36.129 Ray Lutz: because you don't know what's after A B, you can't say go to the next one and back up one. You have to give it a closed range.

169 00:20:36.580 --> 00:20:38.570 Ray Lutz: and so we do it like that.

170 00:20:39.070 --> 00:20:44.780 Ray Lutz: Now you can leave out the column if you want to use all columns kind of like star and sequel expression.

171 00:20:45.670 --> 00:20:49.729 Ray Lutz: But you can just leave that out and and then talk about the row.

172 00:20:50.160 --> 00:21:03.749 Ray Lutz: and you can index in. If you, if you append, the things can be in a different order, and they will always go in correctly and to the right. So here I have it screwed up where C is first, st and it ends up putting C in the right thing.

173 00:21:03.910 --> 00:21:07.139 Ray Lutz: And there's all kinds of examples here of how you would.

174 00:21:07.728 --> 00:21:28.079 Ray Lutz: Take that array that we start with here. 1, 2, 3, n045-67-8910. I don't know why I did that, but then you end up saying, I want to use rows one through 0 and one because that's a slice. You get those. You can get the columns same way. You can use the names of the columns.

175 00:21:28.200 --> 00:21:36.639 Ray Lutz: take all rows and names of columns here, and a list, so forth. We also offer

176 00:21:36.830 --> 00:21:42.830 Ray Lutz: a list of Tuples. I'm sorry a list of ranges which is kind of handy sometimes.

177 00:21:43.690 --> 00:21:45.829 Ray Lutz: and then you can

178 00:21:46.100 --> 00:21:53.070 Ray Lutz: get. You can set a value. You can say, I want to set this value to the entire array. It sets the whole thing

179 00:21:53.270 --> 00:22:02.466 Ray Lutz: you can. You can set the 1st few columns, you can slice it and do this. So this is a setting, so you can set

180 00:22:02.940 --> 00:22:11.539 Ray Lutz: and you can also pop in a list like, if you have a list, you want to put that in the column, you put that in and put a list into the row.

181 00:22:12.385 --> 00:22:17.500 Ray Lutz: You can put another daffodil array in, and it will put in this, that.

182 00:22:18.330 --> 00:22:24.870 Ray Lutz: for you know, whatever the rectangular region is, Boeing can put that in all those things work.

183 00:22:26.600 --> 00:22:33.980 Ray Lutz: Now, there's a return mode which is optional. But we're gonna end up putting this into like when you when you do this

184 00:22:35.236 --> 00:22:36.990 Ray Lutz: indexing here.

185 00:22:37.850 --> 00:22:50.590 Ray Lutz: you want to get the value out in this case, because you want to multiply 2 values together. If you set the return mode to Val, then then it'll give you the value directly. If you just did this you would get a daffodil array

186 00:22:51.560 --> 00:22:53.760 Ray Lutz: of the cell 0 1 1.

187 00:22:54.090 --> 00:23:01.039 Ray Lutz: I'm sorry one comma 0. So would be row. One is row 0 row one, and this would be 5 right.

188 00:23:01.350 --> 00:23:26.629 Ray Lutz: and you would get an array of 5. 1 thing in the middle of the ray. Well, you don't want that. You just wanted the value. So if you said, return the value, then you can just multiply it by this value over here and put that, and the one at 2 2 is 0 1 0 1, 2, 0 1, 2 is 10. Multiply those together 5 times 10, and put that in the cell. 2 comma one, and down here

189 00:23:26.890 --> 00:23:29.180 Ray Lutz: 0, 1, 2, 1 is 50.

190 00:23:29.430 --> 00:23:33.750 Ray Lutz: So we multiplied those values together and put it in here. So it's all malleable.

191 00:23:33.890 --> 00:23:38.526 Ray Lutz: You can do it like that just like a spreadsheet, and then

192 00:23:39.810 --> 00:23:43.939 Ray Lutz: we can insert columns here. So we're going to put in a first.st So the

193 00:23:44.160 --> 00:23:50.149 Ray Lutz: if you add a column like house, car and boat, and we call that category

194 00:23:52.740 --> 00:23:59.119 Ray Lutz: then we also say we want to set the key field to category. Now, what it's done is

195 00:23:59.310 --> 00:24:08.039 Ray Lutz: what it does, what it does. Is it one of the columns you can say that's going to be my key field, and then it puts it in that. That dictionary lookup!

196 00:24:08.200 --> 00:24:09.600 Ray Lutz: Called the

197 00:24:11.840 --> 00:24:20.049 Ray Lutz: Dk. Let's see, it's called HD, it's called a key key dictionary. So this is a dictionary lookup so super fast

198 00:24:20.260 --> 00:24:21.729 Ray Lutz: if you have a long one.

199 00:24:22.600 --> 00:24:30.250 Ray Lutz: but it has to be. If you do this, you can't have repeated values in here. It's gonna it's gonna hit the la, the 1st one that it sees.

200 00:24:31.774 --> 00:24:37.559 Ray Lutz: And so here, what we did was we add additional records, and it's going to add them in there

201 00:24:37.760 --> 00:24:38.690 Ray Lutz: with

202 00:24:40.260 --> 00:24:45.879 Ray Lutz: Here, you see the category is in a different order, and it still puts it in

203 00:24:46.530 --> 00:24:54.150 Ray Lutz: and if we have a double in there, it's going to modify the one that's there.

204 00:24:54.560 --> 00:24:57.849 Ray Lutz: So if you have, if you index in and you say?

205 00:24:58.403 --> 00:25:02.540 Ray Lutz: House, car, boat and house car boat, Mall Van Condo.

206 00:25:02.680 --> 00:25:04.559 Ray Lutz: I think I have it in the next one.

207 00:25:05.330 --> 00:25:15.550 Ray Lutz: where, if you say house and you give it new values. It's going to modify the one that's there. Okay, so it doesn't add another one called house.

208 00:25:16.650 --> 00:25:23.520 Ray Lutz: Then you can select by using a select where statement.

209 00:25:23.980 --> 00:25:34.650 Ray Lutz: This is where lambda statements are really useful, where you just say Lambda Row, and you say the row where the C value is greater than 20. I want to select those row those rows.

210 00:25:35.270 --> 00:25:42.259 Ray Lutz: It makes a new daffodil table, but it doesn't make new rows.

211 00:25:42.640 --> 00:25:47.410 Ray Lutz: These are actually the rows from this table just referenced over here.

212 00:25:48.110 --> 00:25:53.340 Ray Lutz: So it uses a by reference, just like Pandas Python does all the time.

213 00:25:53.460 --> 00:26:04.570 Ray Lutz: So you're not actually creating a new whole table. These are not unique values. These are actually the same list values from over here, put in over here so that you've just selected them.

214 00:26:04.770 --> 00:26:10.030 Ray Lutz: And so this daffodil table only has a list of references to the same data.

215 00:26:10.310 --> 00:26:15.149 Ray Lutz: all right, so that this way these selections are very fast because it doesn't do any copying

216 00:26:15.270 --> 00:26:17.197 Ray Lutz: unless you wanted to.

217 00:26:17.820 --> 00:26:18.740 Ray Lutz: Okay,

218 00:26:20.300 --> 00:26:30.059 Ray Lutz: you can select a record by the key. You can also just do it this way. Put the key in to the indexing, and then say, you want it to be a dictionary.

219 00:26:30.380 --> 00:26:35.700 Ray Lutz: Now, what we're going to end up doing is putting comma in here. Whoops can't click.

220 00:26:35.850 --> 00:26:44.570 Ray Lutz: You put a comma in here and put a R type return type equals Dick inside here instead of having dot 2, Dick.

221 00:26:44.730 --> 00:26:51.919 Ray Lutz: because it's handier to know, like in this mode, if you want it to be a list.

222 00:26:52.340 --> 00:26:57.040 Ray Lutz: that's what is already in the array. The list. So if you want the list out.

223 00:26:57.220 --> 00:26:59.189 Ray Lutz: You don't want to convert it to

224 00:27:00.940 --> 00:27:09.149 Ray Lutz: Say a dictionary or a whole array, because you're going to get a whole array out of this selection. One row. But it's going to be a daffodil array data type.

225 00:27:11.580 --> 00:27:21.490 Ray Lutz: so what you don't. If you want to get a list out of it. It's nice to know ahead of time. So, and we'll all show you that in a second, because there's another thing I want to show you, which is called a keyed list.

226 00:27:23.220 --> 00:27:30.630 Ray Lutz: so you can get at different types out. If you have 2 deck, 2 list, 2 value, you can just print, or there's other things to numpy

227 00:27:31.125 --> 00:27:34.909 Ray Lutz: to pandas. You know there's other things you can convert to here.

228 00:27:36.590 --> 00:27:39.989 Ray Lutz: So a common usage pattern is to process things by row.

229 00:27:40.752 --> 00:27:46.529 Ray Lutz: Where you would have somehow you're transforming the original row into a new row.

230 00:27:47.320 --> 00:27:50.870 Ray Lutz: and then you append the new row to the new daffodil table.

231 00:27:51.000 --> 00:28:09.870 Ray Lutz: Now, depending upon what the transform does, it might give you the same data again, with just something modified. It might mutate that row, and you would get it back here. When you append this, it's the same row as the original with a mutation. Guess what? That's going to modify the old row, so you don't necessarily want to do that. If you're making a mutation

232 00:28:13.400 --> 00:28:19.369 Ray Lutz: and then you would append it to the new table.

233 00:28:19.590 --> 00:28:27.799 Ray Lutz: and then you can do, you can put it out. It turns out you don't have to flatten. We've discovered later, and I want to show you that in a second it automatically flattens.

234 00:28:29.580 --> 00:28:37.630 Ray Lutz: so you can just apply. So if you have a transform row function, you just say, apply the function and it applies it, row by row

235 00:28:37.780 --> 00:28:41.289 Ray Lutz: and then gives you a new daffodil table. So you just go. You can do it this way.

236 00:28:42.380 --> 00:28:54.709 Ray Lutz: And you can also then just apply the data types at the end. If you want like, you can read it in, apply the data types, apply the transform. You don't need to flatten it anymore. Because I'll show you why most of the time.

237 00:28:54.980 --> 00:28:57.570 Ray Lutz: And then you just say to Csv and write it out.

238 00:28:57.960 --> 00:29:01.169 Ray Lutz: So here's where you write it in. You transform, row by row.

239 00:29:02.940 --> 00:29:14.319 Ray Lutz: if you're doing this, daffodil works really? Well, okay. And this same sort of transform can be applied to. I'll show you in a second, when we're expanding this to use SQL,

240 00:29:15.330 --> 00:29:16.210 Ray Lutz: backing

241 00:29:18.610 --> 00:29:24.210 Ray Lutz: so we avoid copies. This is what makes it faster way faster than pandas. Most of the time

242 00:29:24.390 --> 00:29:26.660 Ray Lutz: pandas is is fast.

243 00:29:26.990 --> 00:29:33.479 Ray Lutz: If you're doing those matrix manipulate not their array manipulations that are used in numpy.

244 00:29:33.810 --> 00:29:40.909 Ray Lutz: But if you do stupid things like like add columns and add rows and pen things and stuff. It gets really, really slow.

245 00:29:41.040 --> 00:29:48.260 Ray Lutz: And also when you're when you end up copying. So we're using references to existing data rather than recopying unless you want to

246 00:29:49.530 --> 00:29:53.550 Ray Lutz: so row selections, reuses the existing Header Dictionary

247 00:29:53.870 --> 00:30:00.470 Ray Lutz: and the selected list values from the source daffodil array, and then

248 00:30:00.730 --> 00:30:10.269 Ray Lutz: processing by columns is slower, but you can usually avoid that. What you want to do is in one fell swoop. If you want to add columns and drop them.

249 00:30:11.090 --> 00:30:12.809 Ray Lutz: You do that all at one time.

250 00:30:13.310 --> 00:30:16.820 Ray Lutz: and, in fact, if you want to do 8 that a

251 00:30:19.150 --> 00:30:20.690 Ray Lutz: if you want to flip, the

252 00:30:20.960 --> 00:30:25.246 Ray Lutz: flip, the array on a on a diagonal, which is

253 00:30:26.710 --> 00:30:29.919 Ray Lutz: Why can't I think of it? It starts with France. I can't think of a trance.

254 00:30:30.895 --> 00:30:33.259 Ray Lutz: We'll get to that in a second, but it but the

255 00:30:34.496 --> 00:30:43.109 Ray Lutz: daffodil is pretty slow with doing when you you know head to head when you're doing manipulations of

256 00:30:43.460 --> 00:30:44.700 Ray Lutz: numerics.

257 00:30:45.190 --> 00:30:51.100 Ray Lutz: But when you're doing this type of row selections, it's much faster

258 00:30:51.440 --> 00:31:03.609 Ray Lutz: and column basing. Oh, it's transposition. If you say Flip is true, and you're doing adding rows or subtracting them. You can also flip it for free, because you have to make a whole new one.

259 00:31:04.720 --> 00:31:12.470 Ray Lutz: so you can flip it for free, if you want to, when you're changing the columns, dropping them and adding them. But you want to do that all at one time.

260 00:31:13.170 --> 00:31:14.359 Ray Lutz: Add and drop.

261 00:31:14.460 --> 00:31:21.460 Ray Lutz: basically modify. The columns, end up with a new array that has the columns that you need, and then mutate it in place.

262 00:31:23.110 --> 00:31:25.880 Ray Lutz: In other words don't add columns one at a time.

263 00:31:26.470 --> 00:31:29.340 Ray Lutz: and because it's going to just be a lot of overhead.

264 00:31:31.280 --> 00:31:37.400 Ray Lutz: But if you have columns in there, then you can just don't use the ones that you don't want to use. Okay, next thing.

265 00:31:37.790 --> 00:31:44.809 Ray Lutz: So the keyed list is one of the core technologies that we developed inside this at once, we got some more experience.

266 00:31:45.500 --> 00:31:51.710 Ray Lutz: So a key keyed list is basically, if you

267 00:31:51.870 --> 00:31:58.130 Ray Lutz: take a if you do a zip of keys and values. This creates a conventional dictionary. So you have.

268 00:31:58.300 --> 00:32:04.090 Ray Lutz: if you want to. Let's say you have a list and you have keys. You want to apply to a list values.

269 00:32:04.250 --> 00:32:07.959 Ray Lutz: You have to go through this transformation, and this takes time.

270 00:32:08.570 --> 00:32:12.000 Ray Lutz: It distributes the values to each item in the dictionary.

271 00:32:12.340 --> 00:32:16.860 Ray Lutz: You create a dictionary with these keys, and then you put a value on each one.

272 00:32:17.100 --> 00:32:25.010 Ray Lutz: and it's it's in memory. Now. All of a sudden the values are distributed out in this dictionary. You don't know what order they're entering some weird order now.

273 00:32:25.760 --> 00:32:32.019 Ray Lutz: The dictionary takes care of making them in the same order, but in the actual dictionary itself. I don't know what order they're in.

274 00:32:32.610 --> 00:32:34.240 Ray Lutz: They're not a list anymore.

275 00:32:34.360 --> 00:32:35.690 Ray Lutz: Let's put it that way

276 00:32:36.480 --> 00:32:42.069 Ray Lutz: so you can get the list out by saying, Dick. Dot values. You can get the list out

277 00:32:42.560 --> 00:32:48.910 Ray Lutz: and you can get the keys out. It's it's not a list. At this point you'd have to convert it to a list. It's a keys.

278 00:32:49.290 --> 00:32:51.120 Ray Lutz: It's a keys type oops.

279 00:32:51.740 --> 00:32:56.009 Ray Lutz: So we propose this concept except of a keyed list

280 00:32:56.680 --> 00:33:01.210 Ray Lutz: which contains a header dictionary that contains indexes for each key and

281 00:33:02.950 --> 00:33:09.609 Ray Lutz: this is one way to create the header dictionary. And it's this is an easy way to understand it, but it's not the most optimal way to do it.

282 00:33:09.760 --> 00:33:11.419 Ray Lutz: So you're going to have a column

283 00:33:11.540 --> 00:33:23.539 Ray Lutz: name and the index for the index and the column for the enumeration of the keys. So this index is going to go. 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and that's going to be the value. Right? You go through all the keys, and you put them up here.

284 00:33:23.640 --> 00:33:28.090 Ray Lutz: So this stays the same for every

285 00:33:28.400 --> 00:33:36.420 Ray Lutz: keyed list of the same size and with the same columns. You don't need a new header dictionary. You can use the same one for different keyed lists.

286 00:33:36.850 --> 00:33:41.490 Ray Lutz: And the key. The list is

287 00:33:41.870 --> 00:33:50.640 Ray Lutz: a list so, and like a regular dictionary that has, that distributes the values amongst all the keys in the structure.

288 00:33:50.950 --> 00:33:53.400 Ray Lutz: The list is this is still a list.

289 00:33:54.930 --> 00:34:02.499 Ray Lutz: It still looks like a dictionary. You have a key and a value, but it's structured, and you can still get the list out.

290 00:34:04.370 --> 00:34:09.670 Ray Lutz: It looks like a dictionary, but it's not designed like a dictionary.

291 00:34:10.050 --> 00:34:15.480 Ray Lutz: It has a header which has, excuse me

292 00:34:16.360 --> 00:34:19.470 Ray Lutz: like a 0 b, 1 c, 2,

293 00:34:20.190 --> 00:34:28.119 Ray Lutz: and then a list associated with that and and that this way, it's faster to to do things. So if you have a keyed list.

294 00:34:28.610 --> 00:34:32.309 Ray Lutz: and like A is 34 B, 45, and C is 56,

295 00:34:33.159 --> 00:34:36.180 Ray Lutz: and you have values here. 1, 2, 3.

296 00:34:37.460 --> 00:34:42.620 Ray Lutz: You can say, the key list. Dot values equals. This value list, assign new values.

297 00:34:43.440 --> 00:34:46.719 Ray Lutz: And now you have a new keyed list. With those values in there

298 00:34:47.530 --> 00:34:52.000 Ray Lutz: you could do the same thing with the dictionary. It would put new values into the dictionary.

299 00:34:53.510 --> 00:34:57.329 Ray Lutz: If you say, what is the value of B.

300 00:34:58.010 --> 00:35:04.480 Ray Lutz: You know you're saying, I want to assign 67 to the to the B.

301 00:35:04.930 --> 00:35:06.970 Ray Lutz: Now you have 67 here

302 00:35:07.450 --> 00:35:11.410 Ray Lutz: the values list that you originally used. Sorry I can't click

303 00:35:11.540 --> 00:35:17.100 Ray Lutz: the values list that you originally used also got changed because it's the same list.

304 00:35:17.460 --> 00:35:18.729 Ray Lutz: When you said.

305 00:35:19.160 --> 00:35:31.599 Ray Lutz: I want to use. Assign this values list to the keyed list. Dot values. It did not make a new list. It did not recopy anything. All it did is add a reference in here to this existing list.

306 00:35:33.840 --> 00:35:41.649 Ray Lutz: and then the values list is the key list. Dot values output. True.

307 00:35:41.780 --> 00:35:45.139 Ray Lutz: the is function means it is exactly the same thing.

308 00:35:45.900 --> 00:35:49.550 Ray Lutz: It's the same thing in memory. There's no new version of it.

309 00:35:50.370 --> 00:35:55.670 Ray Lutz: So a keyed list means that we can

310 00:35:57.003 --> 00:36:03.320 Ray Lutz: number one. If you have a list, and you want to put it into your daffodil array.

311 00:36:04.780 --> 00:36:11.099 Ray Lutz: Don't turn it into addiction like, if you have a list. It goes directly into that list in the array.

312 00:36:11.430 --> 00:36:15.050 Ray Lutz: Now, if you want to iterate through the daffodil array.

313 00:36:15.650 --> 00:36:20.339 Ray Lutz: it's convenient to iterate through with keyed lists, because, if you modify one.

314 00:36:20.450 --> 00:36:25.580 Ray Lutz: it actually modifies the array without having to recopy it in just the way a

315 00:36:25.730 --> 00:36:28.430 Ray Lutz: like. If you had a list of dictionaries

316 00:36:28.710 --> 00:36:35.689 Ray Lutz: and you go through the list of dictionaries, and you you have a dictionary in hand, and you change that item.

317 00:36:36.690 --> 00:36:44.360 Ray Lutz: It actually is the same dictionary as in the main ray of list of dictionaries, and it'll change it in the list of dictionaries.

318 00:36:44.560 --> 00:36:50.450 Ray Lutz: Now, if you have a daffodil array and you pull a dictionary out.

319 00:36:50.830 --> 00:36:56.150 Ray Lutz: It's not the same data as what's in the array, and if you change it, it doesn't change what's in the array.

320 00:36:56.510 --> 00:36:58.570 Ray Lutz: But if you take a keyed list out.

321 00:36:58.900 --> 00:37:07.050 Ray Lutz: and you change that item in that list. That list is the same one that's in the array, and you've changed it without having to recopy it back in. So then, it works the same way as dictionaries do.

322 00:37:07.830 --> 00:37:11.330 Ray Lutz: I don't know if I I probably can add another slide for that to explain it.

323 00:37:12.240 --> 00:37:14.490 Ray Lutz: Now we're going to go to a new topic.

324 00:37:14.940 --> 00:37:18.390 Ray Lutz: Csv, reading very, very fast. If you have

325 00:37:21.110 --> 00:37:25.429 Ray Lutz: as you stay in string type, so as long as you don't convert anything.

326 00:37:26.140 --> 00:37:30.528 Ray Lutz: the python reader is really fast

327 00:37:31.580 --> 00:37:39.080 Ray Lutz: for a million rows. According to this guy here. This reference he timed it. I'm not sure I trust this, but anyway, I used it because it was a reference.

328 00:37:39.360 --> 00:37:44.210 Ray Lutz: and if you do a Pandas read Csv. It's much more time.

329 00:37:46.960 --> 00:37:51.909 Ray Lutz: Pandas, read Csv with a chunk size is for some reason worse.

330 00:37:52.080 --> 00:37:55.340 Ray Lutz: Dask, worst data frame

331 00:37:55.630 --> 00:38:04.049 Ray Lutz: a data table, I guess, is another option. It's not as fast. This looks like absurdly

332 00:38:04.280 --> 00:38:15.620 Ray Lutz: way better than it really is, so I'll have to look into that. But it's still very, very fast, because it doesn't do any type conversion for you and pandas does this automatically try to be

333 00:38:15.780 --> 00:38:17.700 Ray Lutz: be easy to use.

334 00:38:17.830 --> 00:38:20.650 Ray Lutz: But if you don't want that, it doesn't, doesn't happen

335 00:38:21.290 --> 00:38:26.700 Ray Lutz: so later you can apply the D types and unflatten.

336 00:38:27.230 --> 00:38:36.669 Ray Lutz: unflatten them, which would would bring them up into become a data python data type, such as like, if you have a dictionary in a cell.

337 00:38:37.170 --> 00:38:42.340 Ray Lutz: and it gets turned into what either Json or what I call pyon.

338 00:38:42.490 --> 00:38:44.270 Ray Lutz: which we're going to get into in a second.

339 00:38:44.710 --> 00:38:50.050 Ray Lutz: then it will reform that into the dictionary within the cell.

340 00:38:52.220 --> 00:38:54.230 Ray Lutz: Now, Csv. Writer.

341 00:38:54.690 --> 00:39:02.520 Ray Lutz: right flattens automatically to pion. I didn't know this pion is something that I dreamed up as a name.

342 00:39:03.140 --> 00:39:07.729 Ray Lutz: It means python object notation. And it's similar to Json.

343 00:39:08.630 --> 00:39:14.329 Ray Lutz: It's actually a superset of Json Javascript. Object notation

344 00:39:14.520 --> 00:39:18.730 Ray Lutz: is Json. And this is simply python object notation.

345 00:39:18.920 --> 00:39:25.750 Ray Lutz: but it can express sets, tuples, dicks, lists, functions, etc. So we can do everything

346 00:39:26.633 --> 00:39:40.640 Ray Lutz: within python, and it already does for the most part, except for functions. It'll create sets, Tuples, diction lists automatically, and a Csv writer without any you doing anything.

347 00:39:41.710 --> 00:39:43.569 Ray Lutz: I just stumbled across this.

348 00:39:44.205 --> 00:39:50.850 Ray Lutz: Now Pyon already exists. It's already defined. It's what you get if you rep, or something.

349 00:39:53.110 --> 00:39:54.560 Ray Lutz: Generally speaking.

350 00:39:54.840 --> 00:40:02.690 Ray Lutz: not always, because sometimes the wrappers are broken in in these things, but that they should do is define this as being

351 00:40:03.190 --> 00:40:08.180 Ray Lutz: a Csv writer should use Reper, and sometimes it uses the Str function instead.

352 00:40:11.540 --> 00:40:21.019 Ray Lutz: it's better than Pickle, Json, Pickle, and other variants of Json for working with python types, in my opinion.

353 00:40:21.940 --> 00:40:25.030 Ray Lutz: So I generated this pyon pyon tools.

354 00:40:25.210 --> 00:40:30.269 Ray Lutz: python module. It isn't quite published yet, but I'm using it myself.

355 00:40:30.630 --> 00:40:37.289 Ray Lutz: and it turns out, Csv, but it's very simple, because what you're doing is you're using the wrapper method for any object.

356 00:40:37.440 --> 00:40:40.980 Ray Lutz: and it basically does it already.

357 00:40:41.090 --> 00:40:48.960 Ray Lutz: But when you're using Csv writer, you don't have to change this. So the way I stumbled across. This is, I had dictionaries

358 00:40:49.170 --> 00:40:54.449 Ray Lutz: in, and my daffodil array. I wrote it out to a file.

359 00:40:54.600 --> 00:41:01.139 Ray Lutz: and it automatically converted them and flattened them out into character strings, the normal ones that you see

360 00:41:02.866 --> 00:41:13.269 Ray Lutz: when you look at when you look at a dictionary like we just were looking at some that look just like when you look at this, this dictionary right here

361 00:41:13.420 --> 00:41:21.259 Ray Lutz: opens bracket single quote, a single quote, Colon 0, comma. All that sort of thing.

362 00:41:21.610 --> 00:41:31.939 Ray Lutz: This is the expression, a string expression that represents a dictionary. It isn't the dictionary itself. Dictionary itself is some other, you know, thing in memory, and

363 00:41:32.100 --> 00:41:42.130 Ray Lutz: of a fairly complex structure that python has suppressed. And what you understand as a dictionary, are these symbols right here?

364 00:41:42.430 --> 00:41:52.550 Ray Lutz: Those symbols are character strings that can be represented in a file. So this is what you get. If you have a dictionary, which is this header dictionary with those things in it. That's exactly what you find in the

365 00:41:52.940 --> 00:41:54.910 Ray Lutz: and the and the Csv file

366 00:41:55.290 --> 00:42:04.269 Ray Lutz: this right here. Unfortunately, he doesn't use double quotes. So it's not exactly Json. If they allowed you to say, use double quotes instead. This would be Json.

367 00:42:04.920 --> 00:42:11.979 Ray Lutz: and then you could use it with other tools, a little bit of a ripple there with what they use in python.

368 00:42:12.100 --> 00:42:14.969 Ray Lutz: and maybe we can get Csv. Writer to

369 00:42:15.140 --> 00:42:19.120 Ray Lutz: optionally. Use double quotes, so would still be valid Pyon.

370 00:42:19.750 --> 00:42:23.499 Ray Lutz: but also meets the subset of Json.

371 00:42:24.730 --> 00:42:27.319 Ray Lutz: I think the Python community should embrace

372 00:42:27.550 --> 00:42:30.940 Ray Lutz: the pyon that they've already defined, but they don't have a name for it

373 00:42:31.270 --> 00:42:38.240 Ray Lutz: and provide options for Csv. Writer to use double quotes and stuff in there, because then it would produce Json.

374 00:42:38.570 --> 00:42:43.040 Ray Lutz: But this is how we flatten things from Daffodil. We do almost do nothing.

375 00:42:43.160 --> 00:42:45.529 Ray Lutz: Python already does it for us.

376 00:42:46.340 --> 00:42:53.050 Ray Lutz: Now, when we import Csv. We do it in a very controlled, explicit manner. So it comes in as strings.

377 00:42:54.110 --> 00:43:08.590 Ray Lutz: and then we convert them. Unfortunately, pandas is optimized for tables with just numerics and simple header normal for Csv, and they don't. It's hard to work around this. You can do it, but it's just a pain in the ass to try to get it to, to do weird things.

378 00:43:10.230 --> 00:43:13.730 Ray Lutz: So what we do is it dot

379 00:43:14.000 --> 00:43:21.190 Ray Lutz: daffodil d types, which is something you can specify, and it doesn't do anything. It just gets carried around in the in the frame.

380 00:43:21.510 --> 00:43:23.669 Ray Lutz: But if you

381 00:43:23.910 --> 00:43:33.459 Ray Lutz: are importing things you can say, apply it, and then it will apply d types to the columns that you want to apply to. If the columns don't exist. It's not going to hurt it.

382 00:43:33.620 --> 00:43:35.420 Ray Lutz: You if you drop them.

383 00:43:37.130 --> 00:43:41.140 Ray Lutz: You don't want to apply d types to any columns you're not going to actually use.

384 00:43:41.410 --> 00:43:50.979 Ray Lutz: So if you bring in an array, and it's got 5,000 columns, you only need 3 of them. First, st drop everything else that you don't need, or just work on the ones that you want to work on.

385 00:43:51.120 --> 00:44:01.939 Ray Lutz: In fact, you don't need to drop them if you brought it all the way in. Just work on the columns that you want to work with, and then just ignore the rest. As soon as you start converting the thing, then you're starting to add time.

386 00:44:04.110 --> 00:44:06.869 Ray Lutz: So we have a few other features. I want to mention.

387 00:44:07.450 --> 00:44:10.200 Ray Lutz: number one. We have an indirect functionality

388 00:44:10.490 --> 00:44:15.199 Ray Lutz: where a Dick can specify the contents of specific columns. So inside of a cell

389 00:44:15.930 --> 00:44:23.250 Ray Lutz: you have a dictionary, and that dictionary actually specifies column names and values

390 00:44:23.510 --> 00:44:40.629 Ray Lutz: which are to be interpreted as part of the actual array. But it's it's got an indirection. So you 1st go into the cell, you find out what's specified there and then that's to be interpreted as the rest of the array, and this is useful for sparse arrays. As I was saying, what I was working with

391 00:44:40.760 --> 00:44:44.310 Ray Lutz: was very sparse. Away with like 5,600 columns.

392 00:44:44.740 --> 00:44:48.410 Ray Lutz: and only about 50 of them are used at any one time.

393 00:44:48.960 --> 00:44:51.849 Ray Lutz: So if you use, if you represent this as A

394 00:44:51.990 --> 00:44:55.661 Ray Lutz: as a actual Csv file or anybody like that.

395 00:44:57.050 --> 00:45:02.380 Ray Lutz: It's very, very costly, because you have all these commas right, comma comma comma comma.

396 00:45:02.530 --> 00:45:12.309 Ray Lutz: and to represent all of the 5,600 columns when you're only going to use 50, and then you have them in there, and you got to try to figure out which ones they are. It's a mess. So

397 00:45:12.850 --> 00:45:23.699 Ray Lutz: in this case, even though you want the array to be logically 5,600 columns for any one row. You don't want to have to specify more than just the 50 columns that you're working with.

398 00:45:24.380 --> 00:45:37.019 Ray Lutz: And so in that one cell, what you have is a dictionary which specifies all of the columns that you're working with, and then it is logically considered, part of the array. So if you sum the column, the rows.

399 00:45:37.340 --> 00:45:41.520 Ray Lutz: it figures out where those it takes that indirection into account.

400 00:45:41.670 --> 00:45:45.160 Ray Lutz: expands them and works with summing them that way.

401 00:45:46.600 --> 00:45:57.230 Ray Lutz: We have a from Pdf that will take a Pdf. File with a you know, header and columns and and parse it.

402 00:45:57.590 --> 00:46:06.050 Ray Lutz: usually skipping a few things. You can use a few controls there to skip things. But to just convert from basic Pdf files that you might find

403 00:46:06.692 --> 00:46:11.399 Ray Lutz: a little shortcut, you can do it yourself, but this shortcuts some work.

404 00:46:11.700 --> 00:46:19.234 Ray Lutz: It offers the adders attributes, attrs. Dictionary as part of the

405 00:46:21.550 --> 00:46:26.399 Ray Lutz: part of the class, for an instance, has this, and this is the same as in Pandas.

406 00:46:26.620 --> 00:46:35.670 Ray Lutz: You can add any day any kind of attribute you want to a data frame and

407 00:46:35.950 --> 00:46:44.030 Ray Lutz: what I find is convenient. There's is like, if I've already figured out like these are the metadata columns. They're all strings, and the rest of it is data.

408 00:46:45.090 --> 00:46:54.610 Ray Lutz: Once I parse that and I know where they are, I need to pass that along and say, these are the metadata columns. This is the number of columns that's the metadata

409 00:46:55.215 --> 00:47:00.590 Ray Lutz: and that's easy to do. You just put that into this adders, and then

410 00:47:00.810 --> 00:47:14.399 Ray Lutz: your next function says, Well, how many metadata columns are there? Oh, it's an address. I already know that now you have to know that it's in there yet, you know, but at least you don't have to pass another variable along to say here's or recalculate it even worse.

411 00:47:14.590 --> 00:47:21.159 Ray Lutz: So so that's something that turns out pandas had. And we just and using that the same way.

412 00:47:21.590 --> 00:47:27.490 Ray Lutz: And then we're now offering a join method that is efficient and mimics a join in. SQL.

413 00:47:29.430 --> 00:47:35.409 Ray Lutz: pandas doesn't have a real join, it has a merge. So when you do a merge in pandas you.

414 00:47:36.910 --> 00:47:44.299 Ray Lutz: You do this, you essentially are doing what this does here. But if when we're

415 00:47:44.440 --> 00:47:46.030 Ray Lutz: and I'll get to this in a second.

416 00:47:46.590 --> 00:47:55.179 Ray Lutz: we're extending daffodil to use SQL. In the background. And when the SQL. Machine does a join.

417 00:47:55.290 --> 00:47:59.290 Ray Lutz: it doesn't actually do anything, it actually just keeps track of the joint.

418 00:47:59.720 --> 00:48:19.770 Ray Lutz: And if you say I want to take these columns in this table, and I want to join them with these columns in this table along this key, it doesn't do anything. It just remembers that. And if you say I also want to join this table in this table, in this table and this on these keys. You could do them one at a time, and you can do up to, I think, 64 times, or maybe it's 16. But there's a certain limit.

419 00:48:19.910 --> 00:48:22.240 Ray Lutz: and then, once you have all your joints done.

420 00:48:22.720 --> 00:48:31.590 Ray Lutz: and you say I want to select these column, these rows out of my join tables. Then it does it. Then it figures it out and it pulls all the data in and does it.

421 00:48:31.980 --> 00:48:32.810 Ray Lutz: Okay.

422 00:48:32.960 --> 00:48:51.309 Ray Lutz: so it's nice that way that SQL, when it does a join, it creates a view. It doesn't actually create a it doesn't actually do anything. Now, pandas always does something. It always does a merge. It takes data from one thing, it puts it with this one and merges it together. Essentially, that's what this join does. But

423 00:48:51.470 --> 00:48:57.639 Ray Lutz: this one is, we'll be using the the SQL. Type of join when we get to that.

424 00:48:58.010 --> 00:49:00.029 Ray Lutz: So there's the plans for SQL.

425 00:49:01.270 --> 00:49:10.500 Ray Lutz: Now, right now, daffodilla rays must fit into memory at this time. So so if it doesn't fit into memory, you're going to have to chunk it

426 00:49:13.440 --> 00:49:29.729 Ray Lutz: which we do. So we have a thing where we we chunk things and there's a lot of infrastructure. I might add a daffodil that are that that chunks things. So so basically, we, we have a chunk of like a hundred things in one chunk, and we have thousands of those

427 00:49:29.980 --> 00:49:37.310 Ray Lutz: we don't actually want to combine them necessarily upfront. We combine them all at one fell swoop and then make one big file.

428 00:49:37.440 --> 00:49:39.339 Ray Lutz: or just work with the chunks.

429 00:49:40.470 --> 00:49:50.440 Ray Lutz: What we'll do here with SQL is use, and since the row-based daffodil arrays are similar to SQL. Data tables. They're also row based.

430 00:49:51.120 --> 00:49:53.339 Ray Lutz: But they have column operations. Of course.

431 00:49:53.860 --> 00:50:14.559 Ray Lutz: we'll add a quarks. We'll add additional keyword arguments in the indexing to specify whether it will be an SQL. Table or another way to say it is just you take the original daffodil.to SQL. And we'll give it a name, and then we'll get this daffodil table main underscore. SQL. Daff, we'll just call it that.

432 00:50:14.760 --> 00:50:18.009 Ray Lutz: You don't have to use this name, and that will be

433 00:50:18.800 --> 00:50:21.019 Ray Lutz: how we refer to it within python.

434 00:50:21.360 --> 00:50:25.990 Ray Lutz: And this actually will look like a daffodil table. But it's actually in SQL,

435 00:50:26.190 --> 00:50:31.890 Ray Lutz: so we don't actually have the table in daffodil. It's basically a proxy to the actual table.

436 00:50:32.610 --> 00:50:39.430 Ray Lutz: Then operations on SQL. Def. Will operate as if the table were in memory. But it actually is operating SQL. Engine.

437 00:50:39.890 --> 00:50:40.880 Ray Lutz: and

438 00:50:41.570 --> 00:50:55.309 Ray Lutz: the results is, we can allow, much larger tables while still manipulating the daffodil array paradigm with selection and indexing done in a pythonic way. So essentially, we're still going to use those square brackets, you know. The 1st one is the row.

439 00:50:55.420 --> 00:51:03.800 Ray Lutz: Well, that's like select, you know. The second one is column. So select, star. That would be kind of like the first.st The second thing, the columns that you want.

440 00:51:03.980 --> 00:51:11.139 Ray Lutz: and then you say which things you want to select in a in a SQL. Statement that would be the 1st

441 00:51:11.370 --> 00:51:15.381 Ray Lutz: parameter, and selecting it as and and the like. So

442 00:51:16.730 --> 00:51:27.859 Ray Lutz: I won't go into some of the difficulties that we found in sqlite. But sqlite does not have a row based like a vector based operation so that we can have.

443 00:51:31.860 --> 00:51:34.319 Ray Lutz: We can have python

444 00:51:34.530 --> 00:51:47.540 Ray Lutz: an apply that would take, say, a row from the table, run it through python, and return on entire row, and then add it to a new table. It doesn't provide that in SQL lite that would be an extension we'd want to see

445 00:51:47.998 --> 00:51:55.519 Ray Lutz: all they allow is Scalar returns, and then it's a lot of work to do it, so it's better to bring a chunk out of the table

446 00:51:55.850 --> 00:52:01.129 Ray Lutz: as a daffodil array. Apply it within python, and then move it back into

447 00:52:01.500 --> 00:52:05.320 Ray Lutz: the SQL. Right? That's the best way to do it right now. It's the fastest.

448 00:52:07.336 --> 00:52:10.609 Ray Lutz: So once, if you want to use

449 00:52:11.560 --> 00:52:14.560 Ray Lutz: we would also support general SQL. Queries

450 00:52:14.810 --> 00:52:20.530 Ray Lutz: and and the proxy. So if you say I want to do, I want to actually use this SQL, query.

451 00:52:21.110 --> 00:52:30.490 Ray Lutz: Then I keep doing that click can't click when I'm in this. So if you want to have an SQL. Query and apply it to this, this proxy.

452 00:52:31.860 --> 00:52:34.610 Ray Lutz: We don't know the name of the table over there, necessarily.

453 00:52:34.800 --> 00:52:38.880 Ray Lutz: And one thing about python is you.

454 00:52:39.010 --> 00:52:47.389 Ray Lutz: When you create a daffodil table. You don't know what name you're going to apply to it, because it's not the way Python works. It doesn't know what name it has. In fact, it could have many names.

455 00:52:49.910 --> 00:52:53.390 Ray Lutz: In SQL. When you have a table it has a name.

456 00:52:53.530 --> 00:52:56.559 Ray Lutz: and you have to use that name to refer to it all the time.

457 00:52:58.870 --> 00:53:05.299 Ray Lutz: so we don't. We're gonna be have to name our table with some arbitrary name, if you don't give it one.

458 00:53:05.670 --> 00:53:06.899 Ray Lutz: And then

459 00:53:07.660 --> 00:53:13.269 Ray Lutz: or we may actually always name it with arbitrary name and then map it over. But essentially.

460 00:53:14.780 --> 00:53:18.910 Ray Lutz: when you do an SQL statement.

461 00:53:19.450 --> 00:53:22.219 Ray Lutz: and you say, I want to

462 00:53:22.340 --> 00:53:25.069 Ray Lutz: like, select blah blah blah from

463 00:53:25.770 --> 00:53:27.700 Ray Lutz: you have to put in a table name.

464 00:53:27.960 --> 00:53:39.890 Ray Lutz: Okay? And you're not going to know what that name is. And so that's why we're going to have to have some substitution going on with that. And that won't be too hard for people to do if they want to use general purpose. Queries

465 00:53:42.040 --> 00:53:47.979 Ray Lutz: pretty much. Everything within pandas is repeat, is available within daffodil

466 00:53:49.160 --> 00:53:55.049 Ray Lutz: But some things that are not available in pandas are available like we can do append which has been deprecated.

467 00:53:58.270 --> 00:54:19.940 Ray Lutz: but most things run the same way. A little bit different, because pandas is normally columns of numpy arrays, and so, if you don't, and so, if you, the 1st value in the square brackets is a column by default, whereas in our mode the 1st thing by default is the row just to be aware of that

468 00:54:23.060 --> 00:54:28.340 Ray Lutz: and so pretty much they're all there. And again the timing we went over briefly at the beginning.

469 00:54:30.730 --> 00:54:38.663 Ray Lutz: Daffodil is faster for array, manipulation like appending rows. But pandas is faster. If you're going to do column based

470 00:54:39.590 --> 00:54:41.020 Ray Lutz: manipulations.

471 00:54:41.300 --> 00:54:45.950 Ray Lutz: Basically. Here was my summary about use cases, and when you want to use each one.

472 00:54:46.160 --> 00:54:50.950 Ray Lutz: if you have existing data in well-defined, column-based format, then.

473 00:54:51.820 --> 00:54:54.970 Ray Lutz: and almost all data is numeric.

474 00:54:55.760 --> 00:55:01.139 Ray Lutz: and you don't want to do appending or ponification other than maybe creating some additional columns.

475 00:55:02.210 --> 00:55:09.709 Ray Lutz: and then maybe produce plots after you analyze it, and and so forth. Then pandas might be the best choice for sure.

476 00:55:11.190 --> 00:55:13.289 Ray Lutz: as long as the data fits in memory.

477 00:55:13.980 --> 00:55:24.469 Ray Lutz: once it gets out of memory, then maybe you're going to use Daffodil, SQL. Might be a good choice. We'll have to see that hasn't really been haven't really tested that enough to know if that's going to be a better choice for you.

478 00:55:25.040 --> 00:55:30.090 Ray Lutz: If you're building data tables by analyzing converting images or other data penning to a table

479 00:55:30.250 --> 00:55:44.499 Ray Lutz: that is not going to be pandas. If you want to have small utility tables used for tracking processes or parsing data, driving state machines, all these kind of little tables you might use all the time throughout your code.

480 00:55:44.970 --> 00:55:51.520 Ray Lutz: Use daffodil tables. Don't get involved with pandas. That's for data analysis. And those specific things.

481 00:55:53.091 --> 00:55:55.550 Ray Lutz: Once you build the table.

482 00:55:55.670 --> 00:55:58.259 Ray Lutz: Then you might want to use pandas or numpy.

483 00:55:58.860 --> 00:56:07.090 Ray Lutz: We can convert individual columns, and this is pretty good way to do it. Convert it to numpy arrays so that the columns can be managed.

484 00:56:07.886 --> 00:56:13.330 Ray Lutz: There can be, you know, some, for example, like, if you sum 2 columns, you get another whole column.

485 00:56:13.760 --> 00:56:33.910 Ray Lutz: This kind of operation here will work. If it's a numpy array, or you can multiply columns, you can do all of the functions, add them together multiply by a scalar. You can all of these functions here, or say, divide one column by another one. It creates another whole column, and and that expression is very fast.

486 00:56:34.480 --> 00:56:42.450 Ray Lutz: So you can do this by just having a dictionary of numpy arrays converted on the columns that you want to use.

487 00:56:43.210 --> 00:56:55.069 Ray Lutz: If you want to do state updates like, like tracking the state of a user in a web-based application or something. Then you're going to want to use an SQL or no SQL. Or something kind of database, and not use any of these. Of course.

488 00:56:55.837 --> 00:57:03.530 Ray Lutz: Statuses that you know I've used it quite a bit myself. It hasn't really been adopted very much. That's okay. I mean, we're still

489 00:57:03.690 --> 00:57:06.800 Ray Lutz: sort of researching the best ways for this to work.

490 00:57:07.398 --> 00:57:12.489 Ray Lutz: I've used it myself. I've convert almost everything over from Pandas, and and I love it.

491 00:57:15.100 --> 00:57:22.539 Ray Lutz: and a couple of cases I still have to use. SQL. Because the tables got big. And so that's why I want to convert over to Daffodil. SQL,

492 00:57:23.301 --> 00:57:25.869 Ray Lutz: and that's pretty much what I had there.

493 00:57:26.330 --> 00:57:30.270 Ray Lutz: Okay, so I'm done. Guess

494 00:57:30.410 --> 00:57:35.550 Ray Lutz: my contact is Ray lutz@cognizys.com, or you can. That's my email.

495 00:57:37.210 --> 00:57:42.549 Ray Lutz: Any questions. I guess I I used up the whole hour a little bit more and not

496 00:57:43.430 --> 00:57:49.000 Ray Lutz: gave room for many questions. I see a chat room is okay. I'll leave.

497 00:57:49.000 --> 00:57:51.159 Gabor Szabo: I think apologies, no worries.

498 00:57:51.160 --> 00:57:51.800 Gabor Szabo: Don't do that.

499 00:57:52.590 --> 00:57:55.050 Gabor Szabo: If anyone has questions, then then please do ask.

500 00:57:55.200 --> 00:57:59.460 Gabor Szabo: I just wanted to say something. 1st of all. Thank you very much for the presentation.

501 00:57:59.750 --> 00:58:04.290 Gabor Szabo: But one thing that is sort of related.

502 00:58:04.970 --> 00:58:17.130 Gabor Szabo: that I see many people using pandas for, for I just read in Csv file and do some simple manipulation, and they always go to Pandas, because that's what they learned.

503 00:58:17.470 --> 00:58:21.289 Gabor Szabo: and they don't use the Standard Csv Library in.

504 00:58:21.805 --> 00:58:22.320 Ray Lutz: Yeah.

505 00:58:22.600 --> 00:58:33.609 Gabor Szabo: And and I had a feeling that pandas is just way too big for this. But now your your numbers show that it's way slower than than using the Standard Csv Library.

506 00:58:34.620 --> 00:58:38.569 Ray Lutz: Way slower and also just getting in and out of it.

507 00:58:39.090 --> 00:58:43.039 Ray Lutz: like, if you're if you're just staying within the Pandas world.

508 00:58:43.280 --> 00:58:46.079 Ray Lutz: and you're doing stuff that are pandas related.

509 00:58:47.080 --> 00:58:48.270 Ray Lutz: It's great.

510 00:58:48.440 --> 00:58:52.260 Ray Lutz: And and I think, though, that what we're going to find

511 00:58:52.400 --> 00:59:02.439 Ray Lutz: is that using a daffodil array and converting it to a dictionary of numpy arrays, which is kind of what's inside pandas. But pandas has grown so big

512 00:59:02.780 --> 00:59:10.259 Ray Lutz: that I've watched it load. It takes several seconds, maybe like 5, 10 seconds for it just to be imported.

513 00:59:10.600 --> 00:59:15.820 Ray Lutz: So when you're running one of these interpreters and you're using a huge library like Pandas.

514 00:59:16.550 --> 00:59:19.070 Ray Lutz: I mean the main Panda's class.

515 00:59:19.310 --> 00:59:23.379 Ray Lutz: Just one class is like 13,000 lines.

516 00:59:23.690 --> 00:59:28.290 Ray Lutz: It's a real. It's all in one file, I mean, I'm really surprised. They still write them this way.

517 00:59:28.400 --> 00:59:35.630 Ray Lutz: but it's it's a very highly functional thing. And here's the thing is that people are nowadays.

518 00:59:36.320 --> 00:59:45.059 Ray Lutz: They might be using an AI machine to assist them, and they say, You know, read this in, and and you know, do a few conversions and then put out, help me do this plot.

519 00:59:45.770 --> 00:59:52.860 Ray Lutz: The AI machines. They know perfectly well how to use pandas, and they'll do it now, for that

520 00:59:53.260 --> 00:59:59.179 Ray Lutz: efficiency is not important, really. You may wait a few extra seconds. But who cares?

521 01:00:00.353 --> 01:00:09.340 Ray Lutz: So? And Daffodil is is a little bit different animal, that actually is all python.

522 01:00:10.120 --> 01:00:15.499 Ray Lutz: and not that pandas is not, you know pandas is numpy, and

523 01:00:15.750 --> 01:00:30.809 Ray Lutz: but it's restrictive in what it can put in into its list, and it's designed around numerics. So when you start adding strings or anything else. It just freaks out. It's just like you're just going to have. Then you got to go back to a dictionary of lists, a list of dictionaries, I mean.

524 01:00:31.100 --> 01:00:36.260 Ray Lutz: and that's what I ended up doing. But then I didn't have the functionality of selecting rows and other things that you want.

525 01:00:38.170 --> 01:00:40.676 Ray Lutz: Now will this catch on? I don't know.

526 01:00:42.030 --> 01:00:46.110 Ray Lutz: I think that that it for most people

527 01:00:46.290 --> 01:00:49.019 Ray Lutz: I mean, I still like to use pandas for

528 01:00:49.170 --> 01:00:54.550 Ray Lutz: for certain things, just because I know that the AI machine knows exactly what to do with it.

529 01:00:55.293 --> 01:01:04.750 Ray Lutz: Once the AI machine understands Daffodil, it might do it, but I don't think it's really the use case. Daffodil is more for programmers than for

530 01:01:05.280 --> 01:01:07.370 Ray Lutz: people who are data analysts.

531 01:01:08.320 --> 01:01:11.200 Ray Lutz: It's more for somebody who wants to program in

532 01:01:12.350 --> 01:01:18.409 Ray Lutz: that use these, I mean, I use them all the time, because if you don't use one.

533 01:01:18.920 --> 01:01:27.129 Ray Lutz: and you're you know that it's not suitable to use pandas for this. So then you want to refer to a column of the array.

534 01:01:27.910 --> 01:01:36.059 Ray Lutz: Well, it's a list of dictionaries, so you don't have columns. You have to go through and write in a comprehension that pulls out the column. You can do that.

535 01:01:36.600 --> 01:01:41.220 Ray Lutz: but it's easier just to have something that's all well tested, and everything that pulls that column out

536 01:01:42.930 --> 01:01:47.280 Ray Lutz: makes conversions and so forth. So it's it's a handy thing to have.

537 01:01:47.590 --> 01:01:49.899 Ray Lutz: and I think it's logical to have

538 01:01:50.070 --> 01:01:52.420 Ray Lutz: a next step up. So we have

539 01:01:52.550 --> 01:01:58.670 Ray Lutz: fairly high level data structures in python, such as lists, dictionaries

540 01:01:59.010 --> 01:02:02.419 Ray Lutz: very highly functional and really nice.

541 01:02:02.920 --> 01:02:09.959 Ray Lutz: But we need to move up a level and have a two-dimensional functional data frame within the python world

542 01:02:10.220 --> 01:02:11.510 Ray Lutz: and and not

543 01:02:12.090 --> 01:02:19.120 Ray Lutz: make it numpy. Not that I'm against numpy. It's just that it's very restrictive as to what you can put into those cells.

544 01:02:20.880 --> 01:02:25.430 Ray Lutz: you can put some strings in. I think it's up to 20 characters or something. So.

545 01:02:26.550 --> 01:02:31.590 Ray Lutz: okay, all right. Well, thank you so much. I guess

546 01:02:32.030 --> 01:02:35.199 Ray Lutz: you're right. It's it's most people

547 01:02:35.570 --> 01:02:43.179 Ray Lutz: I think are going to say, well, I'm just going to continue to use python pandas, because that's what I'm used to, and

548 01:02:43.680 --> 01:02:45.039 Ray Lutz: I don't really care about

549 01:02:45.180 --> 01:02:56.389 Ray Lutz: time so much as what you're saying here, and I'm not doing appending. But if you're doing the appending, if you're building these tables up, that's when Daffodil becomes a pretty handy little tool.

550 01:02:57.490 --> 01:02:59.970 Ray Lutz: Okay, thanks a lot, Gabor. I guess that's the end.

551 01:03:00.360 --> 01:03:09.079 Gabor Szabo: Yeah. So thank you. Thank you again for for giving this presentation. Thank you. Everyone who listened to the were present and listened to the presentation.

552 01:03:09.330 --> 01:03:17.269 Gabor Szabo: If you like the video, then please like it, and follow the channel and see you next time.

553 01:03:17.810 --> 01:03:19.889 Ray Lutz: Okay, thanks. A lot. Okay. Bye.


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Python Maven web site.

Gabor Szabo