Development environment for Python requests


To make it easier to start to contribute to an open source project, one needs to know how to set up a development environment locally and how to run the tests of the project locally.

As I did not find this information for the requests Python library I am now trying to describe it myself.

Clone the repository

This part can be found in the README of the GitHub repository.

You need to have Python installed and some libraries. You can run it natively on your operating system in a virtual environment or you can run it in a Docker container.

Start Docker

docker run -it --rm --workdir /opt -v$(pwd):/opt python:3.11 bash
make init

That basically runs

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

To run the tests you could type

make test

but it needs tox so first you'll have to run

pip install tox

then you can run

make test

That will actually run

tox -p

I also like to be able to run the tests and generate code-coverage report and run the tests in random order.

pip install pytest-random-order pytest-coverage

pytest -svv --random-order --cov-config .coveragerc --cov=requests --cov-report html --cov-report term --cov-branch


virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install pytest-coverage
pytest --cov-config .coveragerc --verbose --cov-report term --cov-report xml --cov-report html --cov=requests --cov-branch tests

Adding this to the project

Ideally this and more information about contribution would be included either in the README file or in the CONTRIBUTIONS file of the project. So I opened an issue asking if they would be interested in it.


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Python Maven web site.

Gabor Szabo