Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #1

  • 00:00 Introduction to the Bootcamp.

  • 01:37 NĂ³ra Doleschall introduces herself and her background in programming.

  • 02:47 Overview of the Bootcamp. (Programming Python, Computer architecture, Version Control System)

  • 08:04 About Code-Maven, all the slides, the Python slides.

  • 09:38 Showing the Windows command line and the file explorer

  • 15:20 Keyboard shortcuts for the slides

  • 16:48 Keyboard shortcuts on YouTube

  • 17:37 Start talking about the slides

  • 17:55 What is Python?

  • 20:14 What is needed to write a program?

  • 24:08 The source code of Python

  • 26:00 Open Source

  • Python Slides


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Python Maven web site.

Gabor Szabo