Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #15 - list methods, FIFO, LIFO

  • 00:00 Lists chapter from split till first exercises.
  • 00:50 for loop on lists (for in)
  • 02:25 in list (in)
  • 03:00 Where is the element in the list (index)
  • 05:25 Index improved
  • 06:30 insert element into list (insert)
  • 08:25 append element to the end of a list (append)
  • 08:45 remove element from list by value. (remove)
  • 10:15 remove element from list by location (by index) (pop)
  • 11:35 Why is it called pop? (Discussing queues FIFO and stacks LIFO)
  • 14:24 Remove first element of a list (shift, pop(0))
  • 15:20 Remove several elements, a sublist, from a list.
  • 16:48 Use a list as a queue.
  • 20:27 Use deque from collections to be a queue.
  • 23:20 Use a list as a stack.
  • 24:50 Use deque from collections to be a stack.
  • 25:30 Exercise: Queue
  • 27:00 Exercise: Stack (Reverse Polish Calculator)
  • 31:15 Exercise: MasterMind


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Python Maven web site.

Gabor Szabo