<li>00:00 The Files chapter</li>
<li>00:45 File types: Text vs. Binary - Images, Excel files, text files</li>
<li>04:15 Open vs. Read vs. Load</li>
<li>06:15 Binary files: Images</li>
<li>10:50 Reading an Excel file</li>
<li>14:49 Open and read file (easy but not recommended)</li>
<li>20:45 Open and read file using "with" (recommended)</li>
<li>23:14 Read file remove newlines</li>
<li>27:22 Filename on the command line</li>
<li>28:00 Filehandle with return</li>
<li>33:29 Read all the lines into a list</li>
<li>35:45 Read all the characters of a file into a single string (slurp)</li>
<li>37:00 Not existing file</li>
<li>37:50 Open file exception handling</li>
<li>40:00 Exception hierarchy of Python</li>
<li>43:05 Open many files - exception handling</li>
<li>46:47 Writing to a file</li>
<li>48:23 Append to a file</li>
<li>51:30 Binary mode</li>
<li>53:57 Does the file exist? Is it a file?</li>
<li>50:50 Direct access of a line in a file</li>
<li>57:50 Exercise: count numbers</li>
<li>58:20 Exercise: strip newlines</li>
<li>58:35 Exercise: color selector</li>
<li>59:12 Exercise: ROT13</li>
<li>01:01:05 Exercise: combine lists</li>