Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #22

        <li>00:00 NĂ³ra solving the exercises from the Dictionaries chapter</li>
        <li>01:00 Solution: count characters</li>
        <li>05:30 Looking for defaultdict solution</li>
        <li>08:20 Solution: count characters from a file</li>
        <li>20:25 Solution: count words</li>
        <li>20:50 Solution: count words from a file</li>
        <li>28:00 Comparing the solutions using two lists with the solution using a dictionary. Discussing complexity again.</li>
        <li>33:45 Solution: Apache log - how to use split()</li>
        <li>40:57 Solution: combine lists (combine files)</li>


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Python Maven web site.

Gabor Szabo