Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #24

        <li>00:00 The sets chapter</li>
        <li>02:45 Creating a set</li>
        <li>05:00 Creating and empty set.</li>
        <li>05:25 Adding element to a set. (add)</li>
        <li>06:00 Merging one set into another set. (update)</li>
        <li>09:23 intersection</li>
        <li>10:38 subset</li>
        <li>11:05 symmetric difference</li>
        <li>11:40 union</li>
        <li>12:44 What is the difference between union and update?</li>
        <li>13:20 relative complement</li>


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Python Maven web site.

Gabor Szabo