Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #28

        <li>00:00 CSV</li>
        <li>00:40 Reading CSV in the naive way (split)</li>
        <li>04:20 What is sys.stderr.write ? (Standard Output, Standard Error)</li>
        <li>09:50 CSV with quotes and with newlines</li>
        <li>12:35 Reading CSV file using the csv module (reader, delimiter)</li>
        <li>17:40 Report when there is an error in the CSV file (strict mode)</li>
        <li>19:24 CSV to dictionary (DictReader)</li>
        <li>24:15 CSV Attributes</li>
        <li>25:30 CSV dialects</li>
        <li>27:00 Exercise: CSV</li>


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Python Maven web site.

Gabor Szabo