00:00 More in the "First steps" chapter
00:47 Nóra had a couple of questions:
Should we use Atom as an editor?
Should we use Python downloaded from Python.org?
What if we have two installations of Python on our computer?
What other editors and programming environments to use?
11:20 Asking questions?
12:15 What is programming?
18:05 What are the programming languages?
22:05 Let's eat grandpa! Words and punctuation matter!
22:35 Literals, Value Types - The consistency of single- and double-quotes.
30:20 Running the script using a relative path. Showing exceptions (runtime errors) and how to try to understand them.
34:00 How to search for explanation about an exception. How to interpret what we see in StackOverflow.
39:30 The type system in Python and other languages.
40:50 The floating point error
43:40 Value Types in Numpy, Binary (base 2) representation of numbers.