<li>00:00 Standard module (standard packages) (slides changed a lot since video recording)</li>
<li>00:42 Some standard packages</li>
<li>02:58 sys</li>
<li>05:14 Writing to the standard error (stderr) and command line redirection</li>
<li>10:13 Current directory (getcwd, pwd, chdir)</li>
<li>14:30 OS dir (mkdir, mkdirs, remove, rmdir)</li>
<li>17:35 python which OS are we running on (os, platform)</li>
<li>18:22 Get process ID</li>
<li>21:08 OS path (basename, dirname, abspath)</li>
<li>23:28 Traverse directory tree - list directories recursively (walk)</li>
<li>24:32 os.path.join</li>
<li>24:58 Directory listing (listdir)</li>
<li>26:10 Listing specific files using glob</li>
<li>27:15 External command with system</li>
<li>28:38 subprocess</li>
<li>29:13 time</li>
<li>32:55 sleep in Python</li>
<li>33:38 back to subprocess</li>
<li>37:09 subprocess in the background</li>
<li>38:15 Accessing the system environment variables from Python</li>
<li>38:59 shutil (copy, copytree, move, rmtree)</li>
<li>39:23 timer</li>
<li>39:41 Current date and time datetime now</li>
<li>40:51 Converting string to datetime</li>
<li>44:03 datetime arithmetics (elapsed time, timedelta)</li>
<li>45:17 Rounding datetime object to nearest second</li>