Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #37

        <li>00:00 SciPy - for Scientific Computing in Python</li>
        <li>01:20 SciPy</li>
        <li>01:45 BioPython</li>
        <li>01:57 NumPy</li>
        <li>02:28 Pandas</li>
        <li>03:00 Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh</li>
        <li>04:03 SciKit-Learn</li>
        <li>04:32 TensorFlow</li>
        <li>04:50 Keras - Trying to explain Deep learning</li>
        <li>08:27 Orange</li>
        <li>09:09 Airflow and Luigi</li>
        <li>10:43 Explanation about GPU, about clusters, and about the cloud</li>
        <li>17:38 Octave and why Open Source can be better than Matlab</li>


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Python Maven web site.

Gabor Szabo