Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #9

        <li>00:00 Intro to this video</li>
        <li>02:10 How to get MS Windows not to close the cmd when the program ends?</li>
        <li>04:00 Associate file extension with a program in MS Windows</li>
        <li>09:30 Solution of Number guessing game level 0.</li>
        <li>13:38 Solution of Fruit Salad.</li>
        <li>19:05 Comparison and Boolean</li>
        <li>20:30 Comparison operators</li>
        <li>20:40 Compare numbers, compare strings (ASCII, Unicode)</li>
        <li>24:35 Do NOT Compare different types!</li>
        <li>28:03 Complex if statement with boolean operators (and, or, not)</li>
        <li>31:14 Boolean truth tables</li>
        <li>32:08 Boolean values: True and False</li>
        <li>35:00 Flag</li>
        <li>37:15 Toggle</li>
        <li>38:10 Short circuit</li>
        <li>42:10 Does this value count as True or False?</li>
        <li>43:15 True and False values in Python</li>
        <li>43:58 Incorrect use of conditions</li>
        <li>45:49 "False" is True</li>
        <li>48:02 What is the type of True and False?</li>
        <li>49:10 Exercises: compare numbers; compare strings</li>


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Python Maven web site.

Gabor Szabo