Python atexit exit handle - like the END block of Perl

atexit END

The word Postmoretem is used in several context. One is the when a (software development) project was finished. Wikipedia describes it as Postmortem documentation.

It is a very useful technique to lear from all the good and bad that happened during the project.

Python provides a way to do a sort of a "post mortem" of a Python program after it exits. Even if it exited in a very exceptional way.

Perl programmers might be familiar with the concept using an END block.

Python provides a module called atexit

That is, you can designate a function (or more functions) to be execute after your script called exit(), fall out at the end of the file, or even raised an uncaught exception, just before python exits.

Here is an example how to use it:

You need to import atexit and then you need to register a function either with the atexit.register method or using the @atexit.register decorator.

This script can end in 3 ways:

If we call it without any parameters it will end with the exit call:

$ python
Usage: A B

If we provide two number when the second one is not 0 it will print out the result of the division and fall off the end of the file:

$ python 4 2

If we call it with the second argument being 0 it will rais a ZeroDivisionError exception which is not caught and thus the script will stop running.

$ python 4 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 13, in module
   print(int(sys.argv[1]) / int(sys.argv[2]))
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

As you can see above, in every case the last line of output was "myexit" that was printed out by the myexit function that was registered as an atexit function.

Instead of printing out some text we can use this technique to do some cleanup work in our environment evemn if our application dies due to an unhandled exception.

Or as I like to put it in a slightly incomprehensible way: "execute some code after the script exited".

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Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Python Maven web site.

Gabor Szabo