Question: What are the odds that in a class of 23 students, two have the same birthday?
We'll solve this question and others, using only a for
loop and a random number generator.
In this talk, we'll see how to use Monte Carlo simulations to solve various problems that might intimidate you due to lack of match skills.
1 00:00:02.020 --> 00:00:20.500 Gabor Szabo: So Hi, and welcome to the Codemaven Meetup Group and to the Codemaven Youtube Channel. In case you are watching this in Youtube, my name is Gabor. I provide the training services in python and rust and help companies get start using these languages.
2 00:00:20.740 --> 00:00:28.840 Gabor Szabo: And I also think that it's important to share knowledge among people. So that's why I'm organizing these events, these meetings.
3 00:00:29.820 --> 00:00:40.000 Gabor Szabo: So I would like to welcome everyone who joined us at this meeting, and especially Mickey, for agreeing to give this presentation, and that's it. The floor is yours, Mickey.
4 00:00:40.694 --> 00:00:44.060 Miki Tebeka: Hi, everyone. I am going to share my screen.
5 00:00:44.390 --> 00:00:48.980 Miki Tebeka: Then we will start sure.
6 00:00:50.920 --> 00:00:51.690 Miki Tebeka: Okay.
7 00:00:52.080 --> 00:01:03.720 Miki Tebeka: so we are going to talk about what I call simulations for the mathematically challenged. And this is about the tool called simulation. How you can solve various problems.
8 00:01:03.720 --> 00:01:06.970 Gabor Szabo: Sorry. Just just one thing. Can can you move the.
9 00:01:07.230 --> 00:01:07.910 Miki Tebeka: Oh, there!
10 00:01:07.910 --> 00:01:09.300 Gabor Szabo: This again, I'll do this.
11 00:01:10.010 --> 00:01:11.290 Gabor Szabo: Yeah, thanks.
12 00:01:11.290 --> 00:01:17.899 Miki Tebeka: Moved. Okay, sorry. Okay. So my name is Mickey. I've been a professional developer
13 00:01:18.210 --> 00:01:25.368 Miki Tebeka: 37 years. Now. Give or take work mostly with python and go
14 00:01:26.200 --> 00:01:31.599 Miki Tebeka: I teach. I consult, I write books, I do videos. I
15 00:01:31.870 --> 00:01:46.060 Miki Tebeka: enjoy myself in a very geeky way. And and this is a tool that I used in a couple of occasions. I think it's very simple, but not a lot of people aware of that
16 00:01:46.580 --> 00:01:51.379 Miki Tebeka: and it starts usually with the problem that you have usually a data related problem.
17 00:01:53.670 --> 00:01:58.850 Miki Tebeka: You have a cash. You want to know what are the odds that given that
18 00:01:59.080 --> 00:02:10.100 Miki Tebeka: amount of cache hits. What's the average latency? Other questions that usually involve statistics or probability.
19 00:02:10.680 --> 00:02:16.470 Miki Tebeka: And and then you said, Okay, you know, I'll we're all gigs. Right? So we go and hit the books.
20 00:02:17.910 --> 00:02:23.169 Miki Tebeka: But then you start seeing all these kinds of equations.
21 00:02:23.290 --> 00:02:28.480 Miki Tebeka: and usually around that time. I say, you know what. Maybe this problem is, not that important.
22 00:02:28.670 --> 00:02:30.920 Miki Tebeka: And I'll I'll move to do something.
23 00:02:31.680 --> 00:02:37.979 Miki Tebeka: And what I wanted to show you is basically that if you can write a follow up.
24 00:02:38.110 --> 00:02:39.529 Miki Tebeka: you can do statistics.
25 00:02:40.040 --> 00:02:46.170 Miki Tebeka: and that's it. You don't need more than that. You need the follow up, and you need random.
26 00:02:46.530 --> 00:02:55.529 Miki Tebeka: and these are the only 2 tools that you need in order to work. By the way, I'm going to show code, and if you have questions, feel free to ask
27 00:02:58.270 --> 00:03:12.519 Miki Tebeka: if you don't understand the code, if you want to learn about other things. So what are we going to do is we're going to talk about these 5 problems. So we're going to talk about the game of Qatar. And what are the best tiles going to calculate pipe
28 00:03:12.800 --> 00:03:17.480 Miki Tebeka: randomly, which sounds weird. But it's it's another
29 00:03:18.120 --> 00:03:23.610 Miki Tebeka: interesting uses for simulations. We're going to solve the birthday problem.
30 00:03:23.830 --> 00:03:31.290 Miki Tebeka: Given 23 people, I think. What's what are those the 2 people in say in this group has
31 00:03:32.900 --> 00:03:55.700 Miki Tebeka: the same birthday? We're going to see if person is sick, or what are the odds? That person is sick or not given a test that says that he is sick. And we're going to talk about the Monty Hall problem which is philosophically, it's a statistically interesting, but also a very philosophical question, not a philosopher. So you can discuss it later and see what's going on.
32 00:03:56.150 --> 00:04:02.910 Miki Tebeka: So let's start with Catan. Right? So in Catan we have these tiles, and every tile has a number on it.
33 00:04:03.290 --> 00:04:06.159 Miki Tebeka: and then you throw a couple of dices.
34 00:04:06.370 --> 00:04:13.100 Miki Tebeka: and if the number of the dices matches the number of your tile, then you can do things in the game.
35 00:04:13.290 --> 00:04:20.110 Miki Tebeka: So at the beginning you can pick out where you want to put your places, and it's up to you to decide.
36 00:04:20.269 --> 00:04:26.870 Miki Tebeka: Which tile do you want? And you want to know, you know, which tiles are going to get the most hits. What are the probability
37 00:04:27.060 --> 00:04:28.349 Miki Tebeka: of of doing that?
38 00:04:29.890 --> 00:04:30.850 Miki Tebeka: So
39 00:04:33.760 --> 00:04:39.109 Miki Tebeka: This is this is that. Yes, and I'm old. I'm using vim.
40 00:04:39.440 --> 00:04:54.299 Miki Tebeka: Sue, me later. But I think the code is clear enough. So basically, what we're going to do is we're going to do a dice wall, which is basically just a random number between one and 6. This is coming from there.
41 00:04:54.510 --> 00:05:03.489 Miki Tebeka: And then what we're going to do is we run a simulation. So what we're going? We're going to run a lot of dice roll. So I'm going to do a million
42 00:05:05.690 --> 00:05:07.109 Miki Tebeka: vice vers,
43 00:05:08.070 --> 00:05:21.110 Miki Tebeka: And every time I'm going to do 2 dice rows, right? So I get a number. And I'm updating some kind of counter right? We have counter from collections. This is a special data structure that basically stores
44 00:05:21.520 --> 00:05:29.950 Miki Tebeka: how much data we have per count.
45 00:05:30.090 --> 00:05:35.210 Miki Tebeka: And then I'm going over all the numbers right. The minimal
46 00:05:35.680 --> 00:05:48.199 Miki Tebeka: number that you can get with rolling 2 dices is 2, 2 ones and maximum. One is 12, but the range is half open. So we're not going to get there. I'm going to show the fraction
47 00:05:49.340 --> 00:05:53.260 Miki Tebeka: how many? Hey?
48 00:05:54.170 --> 00:05:57.799 Miki Tebeka: This number of the total counts, and I'm going to print it up.
49 00:05:57.920 --> 00:06:15.039 Miki Tebeka: That's that's the code that I'm going to do. And then, if you're going to do pythonpy, you're going to see now, we get probabilities right? And you see that unsurprisingly 7
50 00:06:15.290 --> 00:06:34.940 Miki Tebeka: has the best percentage to to get roll of 2 dices. And you can do the what I call the hard way, which is just, you know, doing all the combinations of all the dice rolls, and then calculate how many there are. But for me as a programmer. This is much easier.
51 00:06:35.610 --> 00:06:39.139 Miki Tebeka: Why, they just write some code. This is like 20 lines of code.
52 00:06:39.370 --> 00:06:45.859 Miki Tebeka: pretty simple. And now I have it. So this is the basic of simulation. We basically
53 00:06:47.220 --> 00:06:54.540 Miki Tebeka: create scenarios using some kind of randomness in scenario. And then we are going to
54 00:06:55.030 --> 00:07:04.519 Miki Tebeka: calculate some statistics about what happened on every scenario, and finally display the result. And this is known as a simulation or Monte Carlo simulation
55 00:07:04.710 --> 00:07:05.669 Miki Tebeka: for what we
56 00:07:08.870 --> 00:07:10.259 Miki Tebeka: questions about this one
57 00:07:16.070 --> 00:07:17.270 Miki Tebeka: no questions.
58 00:07:17.570 --> 00:07:21.660 Miki Tebeka: Alright. By the way, if you ask questions, just open the mic and ask questions, cause
59 00:07:22.140 --> 00:07:26.409 Miki Tebeka: it's hard for me to focus both on the code and on on the zoom screen.
60 00:07:26.960 --> 00:07:34.329 Miki Tebeka: Okay, the next thing we're going to do it's pretty interesting. We're going to calculate pi again randomly.
61 00:07:34.830 --> 00:07:35.890 Miki Tebeka: So
62 00:07:36.820 --> 00:07:42.999 Miki Tebeka: what the way we're going to do it is, we're going to say, let's take a circle which has a radius of one.
63 00:07:43.810 --> 00:07:48.237 Miki Tebeka: And now we're going to concentrate only on top right
64 00:07:48.990 --> 00:07:57.920 Miki Tebeka: square, which is the bonding square for this circle, and we're going to start getting random dots
65 00:07:58.290 --> 00:08:02.520 Miki Tebeka: if the dot falls in the circle, I'm going to paint them as
66 00:08:03.110 --> 00:08:08.290 Miki Tebeka: green, and if it falls outside of the circle, I'm going to paint them as red.
67 00:08:08.860 --> 00:08:16.689 Miki Tebeka: Okay? So once I've done it enough times I can calculate what is the ratio between the green dots and the red dots.
68 00:08:17.180 --> 00:08:21.580 Miki Tebeka: and this ratio is quarter of a pipe.
69 00:08:24.010 --> 00:08:28.210 Miki Tebeka: right? Because the the area of the
70 00:08:30.090 --> 00:08:32.335 Miki Tebeka: the way of the circle is
71 00:08:33.780 --> 00:08:37.330 Miki Tebeka: pi r squared. But r is one. So it's just pi.
72 00:08:37.840 --> 00:08:42.050 Miki Tebeka: so basically, the amount of dust that falls inside the circle should be pi.
73 00:08:42.320 --> 00:08:50.420 Miki Tebeka: but we we doing it only on a quarter of a circle. This is a quarter of a pi, and we are going to get the number pi.
74 00:08:50.800 --> 00:08:56.720 Miki Tebeka: So this is pi, dot, PP. 1,
75 00:08:57.840 --> 00:09:13.699 Miki Tebeka: so again, we we're going to import this time uniform from random, and then sq, and this is going to run for a bit. So I'm going to display display progress bar with something called Tqdm.
76 00:09:15.030 --> 00:09:22.700 Miki Tebeka: and then the radius of is one, and we have n, which is the number of iterations which is a hundred 1 million.
77 00:09:23.370 --> 00:09:35.250 Miki Tebeka: and inner, is the number of points that are inside the circle, which I'm going to do with to start with 0, right? So I'm getting X and Y, which is uniform between 0 and one.
78 00:09:35.960 --> 00:09:42.390 Miki Tebeka: And then, if the point falls inside the circle, I'm just going to increment inner.
79 00:09:43.700 --> 00:09:46.760 Miki Tebeka: So this is how many points fell inside the signal.
80 00:09:48.670 --> 00:10:01.319 Miki Tebeka: Now the ratio is inner divided by N. And as we said, this is quarter of a pi, so we need to print out 4 times this ratio to get to the number of pi
81 00:10:07.660 --> 00:10:14.720 Miki Tebeka: and you know what I'm going to also run the time command to show you how much time it took. So this is, this is a hundred 1 million
82 00:10:15.110 --> 00:10:19.840 Miki Tebeka: Ron's so it's going to take a little bit of fine.
83 00:10:20.300 --> 00:10:21.420 Miki Tebeka: And
84 00:10:23.110 --> 00:10:30.290 Miki Tebeka: and it's a good thing in the winter, because it also warms up your CPU, so you can warm yourself without using the A/C.
85 00:10:35.020 --> 00:10:43.789 Miki Tebeka: I said. Tqdm, which shows the progress bar is really nice, especially if you have long running processes, you know, if your process is actually running or it's not stuck.
86 00:10:43.930 --> 00:10:45.236 Miki Tebeka: So we're
87 00:10:46.570 --> 00:10:56.980 Miki Tebeka: So it's been done. And and we see that we got a 3.1 4.
88 00:10:57.380 --> 00:11:04.729 Miki Tebeka: Yeah, which is close enough to pie. And it took us about 41 seconds to run.
89 00:11:06.320 --> 00:11:12.810 Miki Tebeka: Now, one thing that can help you with simulations is pip pi-pipe.
90 00:11:12.980 --> 00:11:24.209 Miki Tebeka: So if you're not familiar, the python we are using is called C. Python. It's python written in C. There are other pythons, such as Jython, which is Python, written in Java.
91 00:11:24.530 --> 00:11:30.700 Miki Tebeka: and several others, and micropython for micro devices, and there is pi pi.
92 00:11:30.970 --> 00:11:39.090 Miki Tebeka: which is a python written in Python, and it has several optimizations that are not in C. Python.
93 00:11:39.330 --> 00:11:48.439 Miki Tebeka: especially a git compiler, though from 3 13 and up we have an experimental git compiler in C title which should bring it.
94 00:11:49.475 --> 00:11:54.449 Miki Tebeka: and if I'm going to run a pi po eye on that thing.
95 00:11:54.640 --> 00:11:56.969 Miki Tebeka: you're going to see the difference.
96 00:11:57.100 --> 00:12:05.319 Miki Tebeka: Right? No, forgot the time. Command like. You see, this is
97 00:12:05.520 --> 00:12:12.520 Miki Tebeka: 3.5 seconds, so more than 10 times faster on these calculations. So I'm not going to. I'm not saying.
98 00:12:13.420 --> 00:12:22.700 Miki Tebeka: Use pi for everything. There are some compatibility issues with, especially external libraries and maybe other things, and it's not
99 00:12:22.890 --> 00:12:30.900 Miki Tebeka: on par with python. Currently, I think they're on they're on on 3, 10,
100 00:12:31.160 --> 00:12:36.990 Miki Tebeka: equivalent to 3, 10. And right now in Python we are in 3 13. So they take some time
101 00:12:37.400 --> 00:12:40.189 Miki Tebeka: they're building up, and then they close it.
102 00:12:40.690 --> 00:12:48.000 Miki Tebeka: But it's a it's a nice tool to know and and work with questions about this one.
103 00:12:56.360 --> 00:12:59.850 Gabor Szabo: It's not about this one. And and probably it's not
104 00:13:00.490 --> 00:13:13.559 Gabor Szabo: relevant to this, this presentation. But maybe it's for another time is how come actually, this pi can be pi can be so much faster. I would really like to understand this.
105 00:13:13.560 --> 00:13:29.079 Miki Tebeka: The the current. C. Python itself does not do any optimization. So if you look at the C compiler, it has tons of optimization loop, unrolling, constant folding, a lot of many things that the python temperature is not doing at all.
106 00:13:29.784 --> 00:13:40.270 Miki Tebeka: And the other thing is that there is a technology called jit, which is just in time compilation, which means that you run the code. Once in python.
107 00:13:40.430 --> 00:13:45.080 Miki Tebeka: you see what happens there and then you generate specific machine code.
108 00:13:45.230 --> 00:13:52.810 Miki Tebeka: And next time you call the function, it is actually, not the python function. It's called, but the
109 00:13:53.160 --> 00:14:03.310 Miki Tebeka: optimized generated machine code for that. And this is something that Nodejs and other dynamic languages are using, including Java.
110 00:14:03.590 --> 00:14:08.849 Miki Tebeka: to make things faster. And Pypi has pipi. Sorry. Pi Pi has a
111 00:14:09.040 --> 00:14:12.810 Miki Tebeka: a very good git compiler that has been developed for a lot of years.
112 00:14:13.449 --> 00:14:21.089 Miki Tebeka: And that's why it's faster. Basically, pi is written in Python, but eventually generates a
113 00:14:21.520 --> 00:14:28.779 Miki Tebeka: and executable in machine code. So it is pretty fast in this case.
114 00:14:32.600 --> 00:14:34.444 Miki Tebeka: Okay, so
115 00:14:35.730 --> 00:14:43.390 Miki Tebeka: someone joked that, you know, this is every time they go on a Zoom Meeting. That's what comes to their mind right? This is very similar to
116 00:14:43.630 --> 00:14:55.150 Miki Tebeka: to Zoom, and the idea is, and this is known as the birthday problem. Given a group of people.
117 00:14:55.500 --> 00:15:00.259 Miki Tebeka: what are the odds that 2 people have the same birthday?
118 00:15:00.800 --> 00:15:01.740 Miki Tebeka: And
119 00:15:08.330 --> 00:15:10.020 Miki Tebeka: if a
120 00:15:11.310 --> 00:15:19.429 Miki Tebeka: what I pick up as a group. Size is 23 people. So I would like you to just take a guess
121 00:15:19.730 --> 00:15:24.659 Miki Tebeka: like we have a group of 23 people. What are the odds that 2 people have the same birthday?
122 00:15:24.930 --> 00:15:35.990 Miki Tebeka: Yeah. So around the birthday. So I'm going to basically say that I'm not looking at dates. I'm looking at day of year. So we have 365 days per year. So
123 00:15:36.480 --> 00:15:41.359 Miki Tebeka: a random date is basically a number between one and 365. That's
124 00:15:41.590 --> 00:15:50.350 Miki Tebeka: how many days we have in here. And now what I'm saying is given a groups of a given size. Are there any duplicates in the group?
125 00:15:50.770 --> 00:16:00.790 Miki Tebeka: Alright? So basically I creating a set and then going over the numbers generating around the birthday. And then, if it's already. If you already seen this birthday.
126 00:16:01.290 --> 00:16:06.209 Miki Tebeka: we say there is a duplication, so at least 2 people have the same birthday in that group.
127 00:16:06.350 --> 00:16:16.929 Miki Tebeka: otherwise we add it to the group and return. And finally, if you're out of the follow, we say, no, there are no duplicates in this group. So basically, we draw a group of
128 00:16:17.140 --> 00:16:18.390 Miki Tebeka: random numbers.
129 00:16:19.026 --> 00:16:24.570 Miki Tebeka: Between one and 365, and say, is there an overlap here somewhere?
130 00:16:26.440 --> 00:16:38.710 Miki Tebeka: Alright? And now we start again. The simulation. So simulation now is going to run over a million. We're going to do it 1 million times. The group size is 23. And again, none of the applications is
131 00:16:38.900 --> 00:16:48.529 Miki Tebeka: 0 to begin with. And then we run the simulation. And if there is a duplication, we say, Okay, let's increment duplication.
132 00:16:48.640 --> 00:16:54.299 Miki Tebeka: Finally, we are printing what the fraction is from the total.
133 00:16:55.750 --> 00:16:58.950 Miki Tebeka: Okay, so remember the number you guessed.
134 00:17:09.520 --> 00:17:12.040 Miki Tebeka: anyone guessed 50%.
135 00:17:15.579 --> 00:17:18.080 Miki Tebeka: Right? This is seems pretty high right.
136 00:17:18.319 --> 00:17:24.920 Miki Tebeka: And this is something that happens with statistics and probabilities a lot of time. This is not intuitive.
137 00:17:25.069 --> 00:17:33.850 Miki Tebeka: A lot of times we think that we know the answer, and we say, you know, there are a lot of days, only 23 people. How comes? But
138 00:17:34.070 --> 00:17:41.780 Miki Tebeka: if you do it and you do the statistical computation, you'll get exactly the same thing. That's that's the idea. But
139 00:17:42.430 --> 00:17:48.739 Miki Tebeka: again, this is a a more complicated the
140 00:17:49.250 --> 00:17:53.420 Miki Tebeka: computation. And for me, as a developer. This is pretty easy.
141 00:17:53.760 --> 00:17:55.630 Miki Tebeka: you know a follow up around them.
142 00:17:56.360 --> 00:17:57.329 Miki Tebeka: I'm done with.
143 00:18:01.430 --> 00:18:10.880 Gabor Szabo: Yeah, it's nice. What would be interesting, I think, is to see if you take 2 people, 3 people and so on. Up to 365 people.
144 00:18:11.340 --> 00:18:15.830 Gabor Szabo: and for each number to see this, the probability and then graph.
145 00:18:16.185 --> 00:18:27.929 Miki Tebeka: Pretty sure there is. If you go on the web. This is a really known problem. People have done it already. There's a. You can probably see the graph for that.
146 00:18:29.194 --> 00:18:37.129 Miki Tebeka: But this is not exactly true. Right? This is a joke right?
147 00:18:37.280 --> 00:18:46.709 Miki Tebeka: And the chances of a piece of bread falling on the on butter side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet, like it's not 50 50.
148 00:18:47.040 --> 00:18:49.360 Miki Tebeka: This is correlations to Mr. Murphy.
149 00:18:49.580 --> 00:18:50.490 Miki Tebeka: Oh.
150 00:18:50.730 --> 00:19:02.460 Miki Tebeka: and the thing is that not everybody is born or does not an average distribution on the days that you are born, especially if you're born on March 29, th
151 00:19:03.080 --> 00:19:09.370 Miki Tebeka: right? This is reducing the odds that you're going to have someone with the same birthday.
152 00:19:12.510 --> 00:19:13.389 Miki Tebeka: So
153 00:19:17.110 --> 00:19:32.149 Miki Tebeka: we. We have a model, and there's a saying, by George, Box, which I really believe that all models are wrong. But some are useful right? So it needs to be interesting enough, or or the answer should be interesting enough, but not to
154 00:19:34.740 --> 00:19:35.405 Miki Tebeka: to
155 00:19:38.780 --> 00:19:45.018 Miki Tebeka: to give you a useful answer. But you can have a model. So I actually took some data from
156 00:19:45.590 --> 00:19:48.589 Miki Tebeka: for about birthdays in general.
157 00:19:49.030 --> 00:19:53.730 Miki Tebeka: Right? So no, this is
158 00:19:55.770 --> 00:20:06.170 Miki Tebeka: us both. Right? So the the Csv file gives you. What is the birthday? Per file? Oh, this is a windows. New lines. Yay,
159 00:20:07.250 --> 00:20:08.130 Miki Tebeka: so
160 00:20:09.380 --> 00:20:14.699 Miki Tebeka: We have a year, month, day of birth, day of the week, and and how many birth there were
161 00:20:15.070 --> 00:20:17.320 Miki Tebeka: per every one of them.
162 00:20:17.941 --> 00:20:24.589 Miki Tebeka: And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to do actually weighted probabilities.
163 00:20:24.910 --> 00:20:28.047 Miki Tebeka: meaning it's not that every day has the
164 00:20:29.080 --> 00:20:41.680 Miki Tebeka: the same probability. But I'm going to use these frequencies to do that. And here I'm going to switch over to tools from the scientific python side of things.
165 00:20:42.410 --> 00:20:45.390 Miki Tebeka: And these tools are pandas and numpy.
166 00:20:46.170 --> 00:21:04.579 Miki Tebeka: And I'm using pandas. If you're not familiar with pandas, and this may be a topic for a different talk, or probably already done it before. Then, this is a really really great library for working with data. I'm using it to load the Csv
167 00:21:06.360 --> 00:21:15.900 Miki Tebeka: so basically, I'm loading the birthdays from this Csv file, and I'm I'm and
168 00:21:18.510 --> 00:21:20.829 Miki Tebeka: converting things to daytime.
169 00:21:20.980 --> 00:21:25.829 Miki Tebeka: And then I'm saying that the the birthday is the day and the month.
170 00:21:27.370 --> 00:21:36.752 Miki Tebeka: and then I'm doing what is known as a group by to get all of the people that were born on the same day in the month
171 00:21:38.260 --> 00:21:45.690 Miki Tebeka: divided by the total number of probabilities, and then return the index and the values am.
172 00:21:46.010 --> 00:21:52.929 Miki Tebeka: So once I have that I can do something else I'm going to use now. Numpy
173 00:21:53.320 --> 00:21:59.770 Miki Tebeka: numpy has a random choice. Basically choice says, pick things from from a group.
174 00:22:00.274 --> 00:22:10.019 Miki Tebeka: But and if you don't say anything, it's it's going to give an equal probability to everything. But you can provide the size and the probabilities.
175 00:22:10.230 --> 00:22:18.226 Miki Tebeka: and then it is going to do a weighted probability meaning there's a bigger chance. If if people are more people are born on.
176 00:22:19.980 --> 00:22:24.335 Miki Tebeka: What is that? September 9, let's say then,
177 00:22:24.950 --> 00:22:30.960 Miki Tebeka: there is a bigger chance. It's going to pick. September 9 versus February 29, th
178 00:22:31.430 --> 00:22:36.951 Miki Tebeka: let's say, or other day, April 26. For some reason I don't know why
179 00:22:37.570 --> 00:22:42.380 Miki Tebeka: people don't like their birthday, they think, or July, July
180 00:22:43.140 --> 00:22:46.209 Miki Tebeka: I don't know why they have lessened.
181 00:22:46.480 --> 00:22:53.181 Miki Tebeka: Okay, so I'm loading the birthdays from from the Csv file. I'm doing
182 00:22:56.150 --> 00:23:04.390 Miki Tebeka: And again, no 100,000 this time. Simulations. The group size is 23, and
183 00:23:04.550 --> 00:23:10.139 Miki Tebeka: duplicate is 0. And again, I'm doing the same same. Follow up. And again the same thing the time
184 00:23:10.290 --> 00:23:11.440 Miki Tebeka: I'm doing here.
185 00:23:17.470 --> 00:23:22.520 Miki Tebeka: And if I'm running this one we got the same number.
186 00:23:23.640 --> 00:23:33.690 Miki Tebeka: But this is rounding up. Pretty sure if I'm going to show more digits after the decimal. It is going to show more. You're going to see the difference. But the idea is that
187 00:23:34.725 --> 00:23:38.680 Miki Tebeka: we we added more. We made our model more accurate.
188 00:23:38.790 --> 00:23:42.699 Miki Tebeka: but the inner, the even the inaccurate model, was good enough.
189 00:23:42.850 --> 00:23:48.714 Miki Tebeka: right? It was good enough, and that's what saying that all models are wrong, but some are useful.
190 00:23:49.760 --> 00:23:59.990 Miki Tebeka: you don't have to have exact distribution of exact information about your data to gain some insights which are correct from the data. And a lot of time.
191 00:24:00.420 --> 00:24:02.260 Miki Tebeka: you can do approximations.
192 00:24:02.910 --> 00:24:09.580 Miki Tebeka: And statistically, it's still good Facebook questions.
193 00:24:16.730 --> 00:24:17.690 Miki Tebeka: No question.
194 00:24:18.270 --> 00:24:25.577 Miki Tebeka: Okay, so this is about
195 00:24:26.270 --> 00:24:32.039 Miki Tebeka: a question that actually, they they gave to doctors. They said that there is a test for disease
196 00:24:32.370 --> 00:24:42.200 Miki Tebeka: that has 5% false positives, meaning that in 5% of the people. The test will tell you that you're sick, even though you're not sick.
197 00:24:42.530 --> 00:24:44.750 Miki Tebeka: This is what is known as a false positive.
198 00:24:45.320 --> 00:24:51.000 Miki Tebeka: and he says that it knows that the disease strikes about one person in a thousand in the population.
199 00:24:52.330 --> 00:24:55.103 Miki Tebeka: Okay, they said, okay, now we we're taking
200 00:24:55.970 --> 00:25:08.399 Miki Tebeka: a random test. We take a random person from the street, we make the we make the test, and the test says this person is sick. What is the actual probability that this patient is really sick.
201 00:25:09.550 --> 00:25:11.930 Miki Tebeka: Okay? And think about that.
202 00:25:12.388 --> 00:25:18.140 Miki Tebeka: With Covid, for example. Right they swap you for Covid and says you have Covid. Now
203 00:25:18.430 --> 00:25:38.570 Miki Tebeka: you're home. You're not allowed to go out sometimes, you know, for other diseases. It might say that the doctor says, Okay, you're sick now you need a treatment, maybe a violent treatment, maybe something which costs a lot of money. So they ask his doctors to see if they're actually basing their decisions on something which makes sense or not.
204 00:25:38.690 --> 00:25:43.869 Miki Tebeka: Right. So talking about true positives, right? So
205 00:25:44.450 --> 00:25:50.620 Miki Tebeka: if I predicted that the person is sick and they're actually sick. This is what known as a true positive.
206 00:25:51.430 --> 00:25:57.499 Miki Tebeka: We talked about false positive, which is person, is said to be sick, but they are actually healthy.
207 00:25:59.040 --> 00:26:03.640 Miki Tebeka: and we also have false negative saying, this is now
208 00:26:03.860 --> 00:26:06.710 Miki Tebeka: person who is sick, and we said that they're healthy.
209 00:26:06.920 --> 00:26:15.630 Miki Tebeka: and we have a true negative, which is a healthy person, and that says they are healthy. Right? Remember, positive is sick, negative, healthy.
210 00:26:16.180 --> 00:26:19.649 Miki Tebeka: That's it. This thing is known as a confusion matrix.
211 00:26:19.910 --> 00:26:25.470 Miki Tebeka: And on the confusion matrix, you can do a lot of
212 00:26:25.910 --> 00:26:29.789 Miki Tebeka: calculations. When you measure your models.
213 00:26:30.060 --> 00:26:43.740 Miki Tebeka: especially prediction models, you start with the confusion matrix and then say, what is the percent of true positive, can I? There's precision, recall, and and several other things that come to mind.
214 00:26:44.070 --> 00:26:51.570 Miki Tebeka: I call it the. I think the name confusion. Matrix is also very good, because
215 00:26:51.760 --> 00:26:55.139 Miki Tebeka: I always get confused by that. I need to go back and think about
216 00:26:56.000 --> 00:26:58.449 Miki Tebeka: what every term is saying. But we do that.
217 00:26:58.600 --> 00:27:04.280 Miki Tebeka: So let's have a look at the signal. Okay, so
218 00:27:07.510 --> 00:27:10.059 Miki Tebeka: I have a function for warning. So
219 00:27:10.560 --> 00:27:14.720 Miki Tebeka: I want to say that one in
220 00:27:15.310 --> 00:27:27.320 Miki Tebeka: a thousand. Right? They said, one in a thousand is sick. So basically what they're saying, I'm drawing a number between one and N, and if this number is one, and I can pick any number between. N. So 17
221 00:27:27.780 --> 00:27:31.560 Miki Tebeka: 3, any number will will work. I just need
222 00:27:31.730 --> 00:27:34.390 Miki Tebeka: that one in Ni will happen.
223 00:27:36.230 --> 00:27:43.460 Miki Tebeka: And now, I'm I'm going to say, like this. There is a person.
224 00:27:44.190 --> 00:27:56.340 Miki Tebeka: and if the person is sick we are going to say that the person is sick. This is not specified in the question in the equation, but this is the assumption, the assumption that there are no false negatives.
225 00:27:56.680 --> 00:27:58.850 Miki Tebeka: They're only false, positive.
226 00:27:59.020 --> 00:28:06.990 Miki Tebeka: So if you are doing that, and they say if it, the disease is.
227 00:28:07.220 --> 00:28:27.909 Miki Tebeka: we say we have a 5% false positive. So in one. In 20 cases this test is also going to say true. So if the person is sick, the test is going to say, for sure you're sick. If you're healthy, there's 1 in 5%, one in 5, 1 in 20. Sorry chance that you're the test will still say that you're sick, even though you're healthy.
228 00:28:30.070 --> 00:28:35.889 Miki Tebeka: So now, number of sick people and number of people who are diagnosed as sick are both starting at 0.
229 00:28:36.150 --> 00:28:40.569 Miki Tebeka: And now we are running a million simulations
230 00:28:40.720 --> 00:28:47.079 Miki Tebeka: for every one of them. We are picking a person at random, so the chances of the person being sick
231 00:28:47.240 --> 00:28:57.279 Miki Tebeka: like we said, Here, and the disease strikes 1 1 of every 1,000 people in the population.
232 00:28:57.390 --> 00:29:01.800 Miki Tebeka: Right? So there's a 1 in a thousand chance that this person is sick.
233 00:29:02.450 --> 00:29:06.310 Miki Tebeka: and if the person is sick, then we increment the number of sick.
234 00:29:06.440 --> 00:29:10.619 Miki Tebeka: and then we do the diagonals for the person, and if
235 00:29:11.990 --> 00:29:14.820 Miki Tebeka: we diagnose the person is sick, we increment the number of.
236 00:29:14.970 --> 00:29:18.160 Miki Tebeka: But okay.
237 00:29:18.760 --> 00:29:26.069 Miki Tebeka: So now we have the number of people who are actually sick. And I know people who were diagnosed as sick. And we are going to
238 00:29:27.110 --> 00:29:31.512 Miki Tebeka: print out this frequency that says,
239 00:29:33.000 --> 00:29:38.800 Miki Tebeka: what are the percentage of people who are actually sick from the people who are diagnosed as sick.
240 00:29:41.160 --> 00:29:42.610 Miki Tebeka: Anyone care to guess
241 00:29:51.340 --> 00:29:54.650 Miki Tebeka: 2%. See, you are good.
242 00:29:57.160 --> 00:30:02.210 Miki Tebeka: Okay? So a lot of people are saying, you know, this is
243 00:30:02.340 --> 00:30:04.820 Miki Tebeka: what right? The the test is
244 00:30:05.020 --> 00:30:15.159 Miki Tebeka: only 5% false, positive. How come? So 95%. It's okay. But still only 2% of the people are sick.
245 00:30:15.530 --> 00:30:17.620 Miki Tebeka: So and and think about that.
246 00:30:19.520 --> 00:30:24.550 Miki Tebeka: yeah, 1% per divide 5%. That's 2%
247 00:30:25.490 --> 00:30:26.240 Miki Tebeka: So
248 00:30:29.630 --> 00:30:50.819 Miki Tebeka: if you come to think about that, that has a lot of implications. This is, again, this intuition that we have that is usually wrong when it comes to these things. And the 3rd thing that they give this test to a lot of doctors. Most of them get it wrong. And then it means that they're actually basing treatments and other things on something which is
249 00:30:51.220 --> 00:30:52.330 Miki Tebeka: not correct.
250 00:30:53.535 --> 00:30:57.430 Miki Tebeka: So maybe they should run a simulation
251 00:30:57.600 --> 00:31:00.239 Miki Tebeka: and get some understanding of what's going on.
252 00:31:01.920 --> 00:31:02.710 Miki Tebeka: Alright.
253 00:31:03.700 --> 00:31:11.480 Miki Tebeka: The last one that one is known as the Monty Hall problem. And we are
254 00:31:11.970 --> 00:31:14.529 Miki Tebeka: okay. Well, we have a lot of time.
255 00:31:14.860 --> 00:31:24.710 Miki Tebeka: I'll start speaking. No so the Monty Hall problem says, you're in a game show, and you have 3 doors.
256 00:31:24.990 --> 00:31:30.829 Miki Tebeka: and the host says, you know, behind 2 doors there are goats.
257 00:31:31.030 --> 00:31:36.710 Miki Tebeka: and behind and the 3rd door. There is a car that you can win.
258 00:31:37.980 --> 00:31:43.140 Miki Tebeka: and it says, Pick a door, 1, 2, or 3, and you pick a door. Let's say I picked one.
259 00:31:43.270 --> 00:31:50.730 Miki Tebeka: And now the host says, Okay, he goes on to another door. Let's say this time door number 2 opens the door and shows you a goat.
260 00:31:50.990 --> 00:31:53.920 Miki Tebeka: And now, he says, do you want to keep
261 00:31:54.530 --> 00:31:58.800 Miki Tebeka: your original door, or do you want to switch to the second one?
262 00:32:02.050 --> 00:32:14.090 Miki Tebeka: Right? So you have a strategy now to say, now I pick door number one. I'm going to stay with door number one, or after they show me the door with the goat. I want to change my my answer, and I actually go on to pick door number 3.
263 00:32:14.660 --> 00:32:19.359 Miki Tebeka: So what is the strategy? What is the good strategy to work in this case.
264 00:32:19.660 --> 00:32:24.539 Miki Tebeka: Too late, is it? On, on one or 2?
265 00:32:25.203 --> 00:32:35.650 Miki Tebeka: So again, we are going to simulate right? So a random door is around the manager now
266 00:32:36.020 --> 00:32:45.589 Miki Tebeka: and here. What we're doing is that we pick, we say, does staying with the door wins the game right? So we
267 00:32:46.133 --> 00:32:49.850 Miki Tebeka: we pick a 1 door which the car is
268 00:32:51.282 --> 00:32:57.270 Miki Tebeka: under the door, and then we pick another door, which is the door that the player picked.
269 00:32:57.890 --> 00:33:03.619 Miki Tebeka: Now, if the if it is the same door, it means that the player who says I'm going to stay
270 00:33:03.720 --> 00:33:06.080 Miki Tebeka: is going to win the game.
271 00:33:07.580 --> 00:33:14.870 Miki Tebeka: Okay? So I'm just saying, if the color is equal to the player door, then, meaning that the stay strategy wins.
272 00:33:15.240 --> 00:33:17.310 Miki Tebeka: And now I'm going to
273 00:33:18.660 --> 00:33:26.040 Miki Tebeka: to do a million simulations. I'm going to say that these are the number of wins that the stay strategy have.
274 00:33:26.160 --> 00:33:31.619 Miki Tebeka: and these are the 9 number of wins that the switch strategy had.
275 00:33:31.880 --> 00:33:38.980 Miki Tebeka: And I'm going to run the simulation, and then, if stay wins the game, I'm incrementing the stays. Otherwise
276 00:33:39.620 --> 00:33:43.610 Miki Tebeka: I'm going to increment the wins, and then I
277 00:33:44.710 --> 00:33:53.400 Miki Tebeka: divide them by N. So what is the fraction of the one? And I'm printing out? What is the fraction of times we want with staying, and what is the fraction of
278 00:33:53.980 --> 00:33:58.640 Miki Tebeka: things that, and we did by switching
279 00:34:04.620 --> 00:34:10.360 Miki Tebeka: any guesses which strategy is better.
280 00:34:20.120 --> 00:34:25.560 Miki Tebeka: So if you switch door, you have twice as much chances of winning.
281 00:34:25.980 --> 00:34:30.609 Miki Tebeka: Then then stay.
282 00:34:30.900 --> 00:34:35.659 Miki Tebeka: And and this is really counterintuitive. Because why?
283 00:34:36.440 --> 00:34:45.299 Miki Tebeka: Right? I picked the door at one dome. There could be a car under it. The fact that someone showed me another door that I didn't pick as a goat in it shouldn't change that.
284 00:34:45.790 --> 00:34:47.720 Miki Tebeka: But it actually does.
285 00:34:47.920 --> 00:34:56.590 Miki Tebeka: And there's a lot of debate. If you Google, the multi-hole problem with statistics, there's a lot of debate about
286 00:34:56.710 --> 00:34:59.999 Miki Tebeka: what? What does it mean? And and
287 00:35:00.260 --> 00:35:10.629 Miki Tebeka: are these calculations okay or not. For me. Yeah, it's I have a strategy now. So if I see a goat, they pick the other door. And that's it.
288 00:35:14.370 --> 00:35:18.649 Miki Tebeka: Okay? So you can read more on Wikipedia, on the Monty Hall problem and it.
289 00:35:19.582 --> 00:35:25.739 Miki Tebeka: so that's that's basically these are the 4 cases. And I hope I convince you that
290 00:35:26.660 --> 00:35:30.299 Miki Tebeka: when you have these questions don't don't shy away because you don't know the map
291 00:35:30.470 --> 00:35:40.719 Miki Tebeka: because you don't know how to figure out statistics, and a lot of time will also help you, because a lot of time, our intuition, when it comes to statistics and probabilities, is usually wrong.
292 00:35:41.280 --> 00:35:50.400 Miki Tebeka: We, we, as people, have good intuition about small numbers when it comes to large numbers, we are really
293 00:35:51.569 --> 00:35:53.129 Miki Tebeka: very bad at that.
294 00:35:53.827 --> 00:36:04.760 Miki Tebeka: There, there's 1 statistic and and nothing tallible says that every time he works with statistics he need to turn off this part of the brain that says, I know what I'm doing, and just pass the numbers
295 00:36:05.050 --> 00:36:17.420 Miki Tebeka: right? So if you want to learn more, there is a great talk by Jake Vanderplass is an astrophysicist who's heavily involved in scientific python community.
296 00:36:17.850 --> 00:36:35.519 Miki Tebeka: and he has that's where that's where I started, and he shows some other simulations and how to do statistics. You can read more about the multicolor simulation in in Wikipedia. By the way, I think even in Google sheets and and excel, you can run
297 00:36:36.570 --> 00:36:42.519 Miki Tebeka: Monte Carlo simulations, which is pretty awesome, or in excel
298 00:36:46.570 --> 00:36:50.369 Miki Tebeka: in in excel. Now we have python in excel. Right? So this is
299 00:36:50.760 --> 00:36:54.949 Miki Tebeka: great, and there's a library called Simpy.
300 00:36:55.100 --> 00:37:10.809 Miki Tebeka: If you want to do what is known as a discrete simulation. And Simpa, basically for every tick tell, you tell you process to do something, and then you can simulate cars going and people crossing the road and cell phone towers, and a lot of, and a lot of other things.
301 00:37:14.760 --> 00:37:23.070 Miki Tebeka: Zia, I'm not sure what your name is. But, he said, the simulation will not help you if the problem is not well specified, and that that is true.
302 00:37:23.360 --> 00:37:30.109 Miki Tebeka: Right. So you need a good definition of the problem before you start. If you have a vague definition of the problem, then
303 00:37:30.650 --> 00:37:31.560 Miki Tebeka: now
304 00:37:40.240 --> 00:37:48.350 Miki Tebeka: you, you can think about it any way you want. I'm not sure why you're saying that the Monty Hall problem is not fully defined, but we can talk about it later.
305 00:37:50.230 --> 00:37:52.989 Miki Tebeka: Because this is just about picking a strategy to win.
306 00:37:53.100 --> 00:37:55.940 Miki Tebeka: And I think the the switch one is is a winning strategy.
307 00:37:58.290 --> 00:38:03.219 Miki Tebeka: That's it. All of this code is in my github
308 00:38:03.490 --> 00:38:11.880 Miki Tebeka: talks repo, so you can look at the code there. All all the things that that they have there.
309 00:38:13.050 --> 00:38:20.920 Miki Tebeka: I wrote a book on Python with quizzes, if you want to to buy it, and if you have questions, that's a good time to ask them. Not
310 00:38:28.840 --> 00:38:30.660 Miki Tebeka: no question. Gabor.
311 00:38:30.970 --> 00:38:36.500 Gabor Szabo: Well, I don't have any question either. Now. I already asked the ones I had.
312 00:38:36.620 --> 00:38:40.469 Gabor Szabo: I just want to thank you and thank everyone who who joined us.
313 00:38:41.320 --> 00:38:42.590 Gabor Szabo: And
314 00:38:44.080 --> 00:38:56.819 Gabor Szabo: if you are watching the video and you reach this point, then please remember to like the video and follow the channel. And under the video you will find a link to where you will have the link to this Github page.
315 00:38:56.930 --> 00:39:05.280 Gabor Szabo: To this Github Repo, and you will be able to also find find Mickey. I guess you also.
316 00:39:05.730 --> 00:39:06.530 Miki Tebeka: Yeah, yeah, sure.
317 00:39:06.530 --> 00:39:07.200 Gabor Szabo: Share your link.
318 00:39:07.200 --> 00:39:09.780 Miki Tebeka: If you have any questions I will answer.
319 00:39:11.540 --> 00:39:15.230 Gabor Szabo: Okay, so thank you very much.
320 00:39:15.510 --> 00:39:16.870 Miki Tebeka: So more for organizing this.
321 00:39:17.710 --> 00:39:21.050 Gabor Szabo: You're welcome, and I hope to see you in other presentations.
322 00:39:21.050 --> 00:39:22.110 Miki Tebeka: Awesome. Thank you.
323 00:39:22.110 --> 00:39:22.770 Gabor Szabo: Bye, bye.