People studying Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Life Sciences and a whole lot of other sciences will have a lot of need in processing and analyzing the data they collected. This involves a lot of manual work, but plenty of this can be automated. There are many ready-made applications that can handle some of the computations, but there are even more that need special treatment.
This course was designed to be given at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. It includes a basic Python course with specific extensions for scientific computational needs. It also touches other areas of programming that can help scientists to use software the best possible way they can.
The recordings include clarifying questions and the solution of the exercises by Nóra Doleschall.
The slides used during the recording are available here.
At the end of the Bootcamp each student is required to work on a project of their own. After they are done with the project some of them agreed to have video recording in which they explain their project and we discuss the code. These videos are here for your enjoyment and to give inspiration of what you can do after the bootcamp.
- Basic modification of Biological data frames using Pandas by Shelley Klompus
- Managing jobs in a PBS cluster using Python by Oz Mendelsohn
- Command line accounting in Python by Olga Tapinova
- Getting started with Git and GitHub with Olga Tapinova
- Fixing elevation data in gpx file by Nathan Weinstein (Hebrew)
- Getting started with Git and GitHub with Nathan Weinstein (Hebrew)
What to watch and in which order to watch?
The videos are in the order we recorded them. They are more-or-less along the lines of the chapters, except at the beginning where some chapters are split into multiple videos and some videos contain parts from multiple chapters.
There are timestamps on this page pointing you where each sections starts.
Many sections contain discussions about solving the exercises. I think they can be very useful after you solved the respective exercise, but you can learn the material without them too.
Part 40 is towards the end, but it can give you a lot of background about programming so you might want to watch it early.
The Tk video (Part 30) is extra, you don't necessarily need it to complete the course.
The PyCharm chapter is Part 34, but you might want to watch it earlier, maybe as soon as after Part 10, and then switch to use PyCharm instead of Notepad++
The Jupyter notebook is Part 42, you might want to watch it earlier. Maybe before SciPy in Part 37.
Part 1 (27:51 min)
00:00 Introduction to the Bootcamp.
01:37 Nóra Doleschall introduces herself and her background in programming.
02:47 Overview of the Bootcamp. (Programming Python, Computer architecture, Version Control System)
08:04 About Code-Maven, all the slides, the Python slides.
09:38 Showing the Windows command line and the file explorer
15:20 Keyboard shortcuts for the slides
16:48 Keyboard shortcuts on YouTube
17:37 Start talking about the slides
17:55 What is Python?
20:14 What is needed to write a program?
24:08 The source code of Python
26:00 Open Source
Part 2 (50:12 min)
00:00 The beginning of the "First steps" chapter.
00:55 Python 2 vs. Python 3 - Why is it important to know about Python 2.
04:00 Installing Python.
04:10 Linux
05:17 Apple Mac OSX Homebrew
06:38 MS Windows Anaconda 64 bit vs 32 bit.
12:57 Verify the installation in Anaconda Prompt. Configure the color of the window.
17:26 Editor, IDE for Python
19:56 Documentation of Python, search engines, Stack Overflow
23:45 Program types
28:13 Python on the command line
29:53 Hello World! - Writing our first program in Python.
36:00 TAB completion on the Windows command line.
37:40 Windows file explorer - make the file extensions and the hidden files visible.
41:00 File extensions and Syntax highlighting in Notepad++.
43:50 How to download all the examples from GitHub
47:00 Comments
48:45 Variables
49:53 Exercise: Hello World
Part 3 (49:29 min)
00:00 More in the "First steps" chapter
00:47 Nóra had a couple of questions:
Should we use Atom as an editor?
Should we use Python downloaded from
What if we have two installations of Python on our computer?
What other editors and programming environments to use?
11:20 Asking questions?
12:15 What is programming?
18:05 What are the programming languages?
22:05 Let's eat grandpa! Words and punctuation matter!
22:35 Literals, Value Types - The consistency of single- and double-quotes.
30:20 Running the script using a relative path. Showing exceptions (runtime errors) and how to try to understand them.
34:00 How to search for explanation about an exception. How to interpret what we see in StackOverflow.
39:30 The type system in Python and other languages.
40:50 The floating point error
43:40 Value Types in Numpy, Binary (base 2) representation of numbers.
Part 4 (10.01 min)
00:00 The end of the "First steps" chapter.
01:20 Variables. Assignment. Multiplying numbers.
03:20 Multiply two string. (Ctrl-g is used in many editors to go to a line-number)
05:50 Adding numbers together.
06:10 Adding strings together. (concatenation)
08:23 Exercises: Calculations
Part 5 (43:33 min)
00:00 Keyboard shortcuts for the slides
01:25 Reviewing the exercises from the previous chapter. Talking about operator precedence.
04:09 The math module of Python. Attributes and methods.
09:45 The Python interactive shell (REPL).
19:40 The beginning of the "Second steps" chapter up till "Conditional main".
19:55 Modules - the sys module, getsizeof.
30:00 The main function, indentation.
35:25 Can a function be named the same name as an already existing function?
37:10 Indentation
38:36 Conditional main (dunderscore) (error correction: those are quotations around "main" not parentheses.)
Part 6 (1:00:37 min)
00:00 "Second steps" starting at Input/Output till the exercises.
00:00 Input - Output I/O
05:23 print in Python 2
08:12 print in Python 3
13:00 from future import print_function
14:57 Exception: SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call
15:50 Prompting for user input in Python 2 (raw_input)
19:20 Prompting for user input in Python 3 (input)
26:01 Prompting in both Python 2 and Python 3.
28:45 Add numbers entered by the user.
32:30 How can I check if a string can be converted to a number?
37:26 Nóra pointing out the error in the previous example. Oups.
38:23 Converting string to int
41:49 Conditionals: if, else, elif
53:20 Ternary operator (Conditional Operator)
56:00 Case and switch in Python.
56:30 Exercises: Rectangle, Circle, Calculator
57:40 Learning Python the Hard way.
Part 7 (44:19 min)
00:00 Review of the previous chapter, answering questions raised during the previous video.
00:50 Power of. About forgetting language constructs.
02:50 Check if a string can be converted to a float.
07:45 Solution of the area of rectangle exercise.
13:57 Solution of calculator exercise.
20:10 Command line arguments
32:10 Command line arguments - len
34:00 Showing PyPi
35:03 Command line and exit. Usage. Exit code.
41:25 Continuous Integration systems.
43:20 Exercises: Rectangle, Calculator.
Part 8 (55:40 min)
00:00 Solutions of the Rectangle and Calculator exercises.
03:30 Solution of Calculator with eval and why not to use eval.
08:25 Compilation vs. Interpretation
16:00 Is Python compiled or interpreted?
20:50 Flake 8 static code analysis (linter).
22:10 Numbers chapter
25:10 Operators for Numbers
30:08 Integer division and the future
30:50 Pseudo Random numbers (uniform distribution)
35:38 Fixed Random numbers (seed)
37:56 Rolling dice - randrange
40:41 Random choice
41:40 built-in method
45:19 Exception: TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
48:30 Exception: AttributeError: module 'random' has no attribute
52:28 Exercises: Number guessing game; Fruit salad
Part 9 (51:25 min)
00:00 Intro to this video
02:10 How to get MS Windows not to close the cmd when the program ends?
04:00 Associate file extension with a program in MS Windows
09:30 Solution of Number guessing game level 0.
13:38 Solution of Fruit Salad.
19:05 Comparison and Boolean
20:30 Comparison operators
20:40 Compare numbers, compare strings (ASCII, Unicode)
24:35 Do NOT Compare different types!
28:03 Complex if statement with boolean operators (and, or, not)
31:14 Boolean truth tables
32:08 Boolean values: True and False
35:00 Flag
37:15 Toggle
38:10 Short circuit
42:10 Does this value count as True or False?
43:15 True and False values in Python
43:58 Incorrect use of conditions
45:49 "False" is True
48:02 What is the type of True and False?
49:10 Exercises: compare numbers; compare strings
Part 10 (1:18:52 min)
00:00 Solution to compare numbers
03:57 Solution to compare strings
08:00 Nóra explains her solutions using functions
13:10 Refactoring
19:27 Start the chapter Strings
19:38 Single quoted and double quoted strings
21:19 Triple quoted strings (multiline strings)
21:47 What would you do if you wanted to print a quote character? Escaping quotes. \n, \t
26:43 Is it OK to TABs instead of spaces for indenting Python code? Indentation examples. Notepad++ show whitespaces.
35:13 String length (len)
35:36 String repetition and concatenation
37:18 A character in a string.
38:00 Is a string a list? No, it's a Sequence.
39:00 String slice (instead of substr)
41:58 Change a string - Strings are immutable
44:20 String copy
47:05 String functions and methods (len, upper, lower)
49:30 All the built-in functions of Python
50:29 index and rindex in string
58:24 When the string is not found we get an exception. How can we prevent it?
59:16 find in string
1:00:39 in string
1:03:51 Encodings: ASCII, Windows-1255, Unicode
1:09:32 raw strings
1:14:42 ord
1:16:16 chr - number to character
1:16:45 Exercises
Part 11 (1:02:56 min)
00:00 Solving the exercise: one string in another string.
04:32 Solving the exercise: compare strings. Including Nóra finding a bug in my solution and fixing it.
12:27 Solving the exercise: ASCII CLI.
13:00 Loops chapter
14:23 for-in and while loops.
15:49 for-in loop on strings.
18:17 for-in loop on lists.
19:33 for-in loop on range.
22:58 for-in loop with early end using break.
26:08 for-in loop skipping parts using continue
28:06 for-in loop with break and continue.
30:58 while loop.
32:30 Infinite while loop.
34:25 while with complex expression.
35:28 while with break
38:34 De Morgan's law
40:25 while True
42:12 Duplicate input call.
45:11 Eliminate duplicate input call.
46:05 do while loop.
47:30 while with many continue calls.
50:28 Exit vs. return vs. break and continue.
52:25 Exercises.
Part 12 (51:31 min)
00:00 Nóra solves the exercises of the Loop chapter.
02:00 Solution for exercise: Print all the locations in a string
16:27 Solution for exercise: Number guessing game.
40:40 Solution for exercise: Count unique characters. (also using sets)
45:10 What is the difference between == and the "is" operator?
Part 13 (20:38 min)
00:00 Nóra solves the rest of the levels of the number guessing game in the Loops chapter.
Part 14 (1:01:23 min)
00:00 Intro.
01:14 Formatted Printing.
01:48 format - sprintf
08:31 Examples using format - indexing
09:00 Examples using format with names
09:36 Format columns
15:00 Examples using format - alignment
16:18 Format - string
17:15 Format characters and types.
18:05 Format floating point numbers.
18:46 f-strings (formatted string literals).
21:01 raw f-strings.
22:40 What would you use in a GUI? - Templates.
25:02 First part of the List chapter.
29:00 Access single element of a list, access sublist (slice) of a list.
31:26 List slice with steps.
33:52 Change the content of a list.
37:25 Change with steps.
38:44 List assignment and list copy. (shallow copy, deep copy)
48:51 join
51:30 join list of numbers (also show map, str, and list comprehension)
56:59 split (divide strings, separate parts of a string).
Part 15 (32:56 min)
00:00 Lists chapter from split till first exercises.
00:50 for loop on lists (for in)
02:25 in list (in)
03:00 Where is the element in the list (index)
05:25 Index improved
06:30 insert element into list (insert)
08:25 append element to the end of a list (append)
08:45 remove element from list by value. (remove)
10:15 remove element from list by location (by index) (pop)
11:35 Why is it called pop? (Discussing queues FIFO and stacks LIFO)
14:24 Remove first element of a list (shift, pop(0))
15:20 Remove several elements, a sublist, from a list.
16:48 Use a list as a queue.
20:27 Use deque from collections to be a queue.
23:20 Use a list as a stack.
24:50 Use deque from collections to be a stack.
25:30 Exercise: Queue
27:00 Exercise: Stack (Reverse Polish Calculator)
31:15 Exercise: MasterMind
Part 16 (24:13 min)
00:00 Nóra solving the exercises in the middle of the Lists chapter
01:00 Solution: Queue
07:10 Solution: Stack (Reverse Polish Calculator)
16:35 Solution: MasterMind
Part 17 (37:38 min)
00:00 The second part of the Lists chapter.
01:10 About debugging
06:20 sort
07:30 sort numbers
08:57 sort mixed list
09:37 sort (key)
11:05 sort with sorted
14:15 range
15:56 Looping over index
18:25 Enumerate lists (go over lists using index-value pairs)
19:57 List operators
22:11 List of lists
24:36 List assignment
26:30 Tuples
28:00 Sort Tuples
30:00 Exercise: color selector menu
32:22 Exercise: count digits
33:15 Exercise: create list
34:00 Exercise: count words
34:47 Exercise: check if number is prime
35:00 Exercise: DNA sequencing
Part 18 (1:25:42 min)
00:00 Reviewing the exercises at the end of the lists chapter.
01:23 Solution: color selector menu
24:45 Solution: count digits
28:55 Solution: create list (also using sets)
41:00 Solution: count words
45:12 Discussing Algorithm complexity.
53:40 Solution: check if a number is prime
1:08:20 Solution: DNA sequencing
Part 19 (1:02:22 min)
00:00 The Files chapter
00:45 File types: Text vs. Binary - Images, Excel files, text files
04:15 Open vs. Read vs. Load
06:15 Binary files: Images
10:50 Reading an Excel file
14:49 Open and read file (easy but not recommended)
20:45 Open and read file using "with" (recommended)
23:14 Read file remove newlines
27:22 Filename on the command line
28:00 Filehandle with return
33:29 Read all the lines into a list
35:45 Read all the characters of a file into a single string (slurp)
37:00 Not existing file
37:50 Open file exception handling
40:00 Exception hierarchy of Python
43:05 Open many files - exception handling
46:47 Writing to a file
48:23 Append to a file
51:30 Binary mode
53:57 Does the file exist? Is it a file?
50:50 Direct access of a line in a file
57:50 Exercise: count numbers
58:20 Exercise: strip newlines
58:35 Exercise: color selector
59:12 Exercise: ROT13
01:01:05 Exercise: combine lists
Part 20 (1:08:14 min)
00:00 The solutions for the exercises in the files chapter
01:20 Solution: count numbers
05:30 Solution: strip newlines
06:17 Solution: color selector and fixing an interesting bug.
17:10 Solution: ROT13, discussing open with r+, and how filehandle works.
27:25 Solution: combine lists, trying various solutions, including one using sets and one using tuples. Sorting using lambda function.
1:04:10 Exercise: print lines with Report
1:06:30 return from a function can return a value
Part 21 (52:04 min)
00:00 Dictionaries
00:40 Windows: mapping file extensions (.py) to an action in Windows File Explorer; The "where" command of Windows.
05:15 What is a Dictionary? ( Hash, Mapcar)
06:40 When to use Dictionaries?
07:31 Create dictionary
10:05 Dictionary keys
10:48 Loop over keys()
11:26 Loop using items()
12:25 Dictionary values()
12:50 Not existing key
13:15 Get key - get()
16:20 Does the key exist? (in)
17:05 How can you search among the values? Does the value exist? - values()
19:00 How dictionaries work? What is hashing?
23:25 Delete key (del, pop)
25:25 List of dictionaries
29:35 In the lambda/map case we did not use key= while in the sort-case we did. Why?
31:35 Shared dictionary - skipped
31:55 tuples as dictionary keys
32:35 numbers as dictionary keys
32:45 Sort dictionary by value
38:00 So at the end, are the keys kept in order in the dictionary or not?
40:42 A few more words about hashing. Hashing algorithms: (md5, sha1). Comparing files.
42:55 Dictionaries vs. lists.
43:40 Exercise: count characters
44:20 Exercise: count words
44:50 Exercise: count words from a file
45:10 Apache log
47:13 Exercise: combine lists again
47:33 Exercise: counting DNA bases
48:03 Exercise: count Amino Acids
48:19 Exercise: List of dictionaries
50:00 Exercise: Dictionary of dictionaries
50:40 Exercise: Age limit with dictionaries
Part 22 (42:42 min)
00:00 Nóra solving the exercises from the Dictionaries chapter
01:00 Solution: count characters
05:30 Looking for defaultdict solution
08:20 Solution: count characters from a file
20:25 Solution: count words
20:50 Solution: count words from a file
28:00 Comparing the solutions using two lists with the solution using a dictionary. Discussing complexity again.
33:45 Solution: Apache log - how to use split()
40:57 Solution: combine lists (combine files)
Part 23 (38:55 min)
00:00 Nóra solving the exercises from the Dictionaries chapter
00:25 Solution: DNA base counter
04:00 Solution: count Amino Acids
15:35 Solution: List of dictionaries, the csv module
24:05 Solution: Dictionary of dictionaries
26:45 Solution: Age limit with dictionaries
30:35 Y2K bug, Bug 2000, Year 2038 problem
Part 24 (16:12 min)
00:00 The sets chapter
02:45 Creating a set
05:00 Creating and empty set.
05:25 Adding element to a set. (add)
06:00 Merging one set into another set. (update)
09:23 intersection
10:38 subset
11:05 symmetric difference
11:40 union
12:44 What is the difference between union and update?
13:20 relative complement
Part 25 (1:17:23 min)
00:00 The Functions chapter
00:40 Why use functions?
04:33 Defining simple function
08:28 Functions - pass parameters by position.
10:11 Functions - pass parameters by name.
11:43 Mixing positional and named parameters.
15:20 Default values, optional parameters
19:18 Several defaults, using names
21:04 Arbitrary number of arguments *
26:45 Fixed parameters come before the others.
28:00 Arbitrary key-value pairs in parameters **
30:50 Extra key-value pairs in parameters
31:10 Every parameter option
32:11 Duplicate declaration of functions
38:03 Recursive functions (recursive factorial)
46:00 Recursive Fibonacci function
49:30 Non-recursive Fibonacci
51:50 Unbound recursion
53:18 Variable assignment and change - immutable, mutable
55:35 Parameter passing of functions
1:00:20 Function documentation
1:01:17 Copy-paste code
1:07:00 Exercises
1:07:24 Returning multiple values from a function
1:13:00 Exercise: Merge and Bubble sort
1:15:23 Exercise: Refactor earlier solutions to use functions.
Part 26 (58:03 min)
00:00 Solutions for the exercises in the Functions chapter
00:40 Solution: Function returning Statistics
04:30 The _ placeholder variable
07:25 Solution: Recursive function to show dependency tree
12:03 Solution: Tower of Hanoi - skipping
12:20 Solution: Bubble sort (sort-of)
31:50 Solution: Merge sort
Part 27 (50:39 min)
00:00 The Modules chapter
00:30 Goals of having modules
04:00 Before modules (a function in a single-file program)
04:34 Creating modules: Separating the above program in to module and executable. (import, from)
05:40 How does Python find the module to be loaded?
07:56 Importing and aliasing module name (as)
11:25 path to load modules from - the module search path
12:30 sys.path the module search path
13:45 Flat project directory structure
14:39 Relative paths (Why is the directory called 'bin'?
16:30 Absolute path and why it is not a good practice
18:45 Back to the relative path and explaining how it works (os.path.join, os.path.abspath, os.path.dirname, file)
24:13 Mentioning modules in directory hierarchy (submodules) but not showing them. Since then, there is already a slide with that example.
24:46 Python modules are compiles .pyc files, pycache directory.
28:30 Caching
30:40 How "import" and "from" work?
31:20 Runtime loading of modules
33:30 When you import a module, will Python find it eventually?
35:13 Conditional loading of modules
37:18 Duplicate importing of functions (pylint)
40:50 Script or library (script or module) (name, main)
47:00 Import the same module multiple times
48:14 Exercises: Convert the earlier solutions to be modules and programs.
Part 28 (28:01 min)
00:00 CSV
00:40 Reading CSV in the naive way (split)
04:20 What is sys.stderr.write ? (Standard Output, Standard Error)
09:50 CSV with quotes and with newlines
12:35 Reading CSV file using the csv module (reader, delimiter)
17:40 Report when there is an error in the CSV file (strict mode)
19:24 CSV to dictionary (DictReader)
24:15 CSV Attributes
25:30 CSV dialects
27:00 Exercise: CSV
Part 29 (27:51 min)
00:00 Excel files
00:44 Spreadsheets in general
01:35 Python Excel
03:12 Created an Excel file from scratch (openpyxl)
06:55 Installing a module using pip
10:10 Worksheets in Excel
12:55 Color Selector
14:35 Add expression to Excel
17:25 Number series and chart
23:35 Read Excel file
25:32 Update Excel file
26:35 Exercises
Part 30 (1:08:29 min)
00:00 Python Tk for GUI
00:45 Python Tk Demo
07:00 Simple File dialog
09:50 GUI Toolkits
12:18 Installation
12:45 Documentation
13:30 Button (main loop, event loop)
17:43 Button with action
21:50 Label
22:38 Label - font size and color
24:00 Keybinding
25:57 Entry (one-line text entry)
27:03 Entry for passwords and other secrets (hidden text)
27:27 Checkbox (Checkbutton) (BooleanVar)
31:33 Radiobutton (IntVar)
34:13 Listbox
36:31 Listbox Multiple choice
37:45 Menu and Menubar
43:33 Text widget
45:26 Dialogs (File selector)
46:40 Messagebox
50:12 Combobox
51:33 OptionMenu
51:47 Scale (Horizontal and Vertical)
52:35 Progressbar
52:50 Frame
54:14 Runner
56:01 Runner with threads
58:00 Exercises
1:01:20 Configuring Windows not to show the cmd window when running a Tk-based application.
1:04:30 Update the Text widget in the Demo
Part 31 (1:00:58 min)
00:00 Regular Expressions (part I)
01:10 What are regexes?
03:40 What are Regular Expressions good for?
07:35 Examples
09:50 Where can I use Regexes?
12:10 grep
15:49 Regexes first match
19:30 Match numbers
21:30 What happens if there are multiple hits, multiple matches?
22:40 Why did we match the first set of digits and how to convince it to match the other set of digits?
23:58 Capture (group, groups)
25:45 How can you match parentheses? (remove the special meaning of the parentheses)
28:30 Capture more (multiple pair of parentheses)
31:08 Capture even more (parentheses inside parentheses)
31:40 findall
34:05 findall with capture
35:50 findall with capture more than one pair of parentheses
37:13 Any Character (dot)
40:50 Match a dot
41:21 Character Classes
45:05 Common Character Classes
49:46 Match digits
52:35 Match Word characters
53:38 Negated character classes
55:54 Optional character (the ? quantifier)
57:24 0 or more (the * quantifier)
58:34 Quantifiers
Part 32 (1:31:51 min)
00:00 Regular Expressions (part II)
00:35 Quantifier limit
03:39 Quantifiers on character classes
05:35 Greedy Quantifiers
09:16 Minimal quantifiers
13:35 Anchors
18:10 Anchors - edge of word
24:47 Match ISBN numbers
30:53 Matching a section (minimal match, negated character class)
35:04 DOTALL (single line)
42:15 Two regex with logical or
43:20 Alternatives |
43:57 Grouping and Alternatives
45:02 Regex internal variables
52:00 Regex to match DNA
1:00:20 Substitution
1:05:35 Fixing dates
1:10:10 Double the numbers (duplicate)
1:13:37 Remove spaces
1:14:00 Replace string in Assembly code
1:23:56 Split with regex
1:26:20 Exercises
Part 33 (1:00:17 min)
00:00 Solutions of exercises in Regular Expressions
01:50 Solutions for Regexes Part 1
03:17 Using global and how to avoid it. Moving everything inside functions.
09:13 Solutions for Regexes Part 1 (continue)
24:54 Solutions for Regexes Part 2 (matching decimal, hexadecimal numbers)
28:20 compile regex
30:35 Solutions for Regexes Part 2 (matching negative, floating point, octal and binary numbers) a negative look-behind!
42:00 Solution: Sorting SNMP numbers; Parse hours log file and create report
44:40 Solution: Parse config INI files.
54:00 Solution: Replace Python
55:05 Solution: Match phone numbers
Part 34 (1:00:34 min)
00:00 PyCharm
01:15 Download and Install PyCharm
02:27 What is PyCharm and why would you want to use it?
04:00 Projects (.idea dir)
07:33 Configuring the correct Python installation, Python interpreter
13:33 Installing Python packages using PyCharm
15:08 Opening file
15:50 PEP 8 complaining
18:05 requirements.txt and PyCharm offering to install dependencies
19:20 Edit file, Run program
20:15 Terminal in PyCharm
20:32 Open a second file, Run program
25:10 Locate and open a file with Ctrl-Shift-N
29:55 How to pass command line argument to a program in PyCharm?
31:25 Debugging (unconditional breakpoint)
33:45 Step into
35:45 Step out
36:55 Step over
41:00 Conditional breakpoint
44:20 Set environment variables
52:37 Terminal
52:50 Console (Interactive shell; IPython)
53:10 TODO
54:20 Refactoring: Rename variable
57:15 Refactoring: Extract method
Part 35 (47:13 min)
00:00 Standard module (standard packages) (slides changed a lot since video recording)
00:42 Some standard packages
02:58 sys
05:14 Writing to the standard error (stderr) and command line redirection
10:13 Current directory (getcwd, pwd, chdir)
14:30 OS dir (mkdir, mkdirs, remove, rmdir)
17:35 python which OS are we running on (os, platform)
18:22 Get process ID
21:08 OS path (basename, dirname, abspath)
23:28 Traverse directory tree - list directories recursively (walk)
24:32 os.path.join
24:58 Directory listing (listdir)
26:10 Listing specific files using glob
27:15 External command with system
28:38 subprocess
29:13 time
32:55 sleep in Python
33:38 back to subprocess
37:09 subprocess in the background
38:15 Accessing the system environment variables from Python
38:59 shutil (copy, copytree, move, rmtree)
39:23 timer
39:41 Current date and time datetime now
40:51 Converting string to datetime
44:03 datetime arithmetics (elapsed time, timedelta)
45:17 Rounding datetime object to nearest second
Part 36 (35:00 min)
00:00 Testing Demo - What is testing? Why would you want to write tests?
04:36 How do you test your code?
05:20 What is testing?
07:06 Testing tools (testing packages)
07:14 Testing Demo methodology
08:05 AUT - Application Under Test
09:54 Use the module
10:40 doctest
14:40 doctest with failure
18:12 Unittest with success
23:07 Unittest with failure
25:54 pytest using classes
27:30 pytest using classes with failure
28:38 pytest without classes
29:06 pytest run doctest
29:28 pytest run unittest
29:55 Exercise: anagram
31:23 Exercise: Write test for your previous solutions
Part 37 (19:53 min)
00:00 SciPy - for Scientific Computing in Python
01:20 SciPy
01:45 BioPython
01:57 NumPy
02:28 Pandas
03:00 Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh
04:03 SciKit-Learn
04:32 TensorFlow
04:50 Keras - Trying to explain Deep learning
08:27 Orange
09:09 Airflow and Luigi
10:43 Explanation about GPU, about clusters, and about the cloud
17:38 Octave and why Open Source can be better than Matlab
Part 38 (37:04 min)
00:00 Biology
00:50 BioPython
02:20 BioPython Background; FASTA file format
04:42 BioPython sequences (Seq)
07:45 NCBI
09:15 Read FASTA, GenBank files, download file using the requests module
18:15 Search for nucleotides on NCBI
28:30 Download nucleotides from NCBI
33:14 Chemistry
Part 39 (42:46 min)
00:00 Numpy
00:44 What is Numpy?
00:55 Numpy vector
06:19 2D arrays
07:28 Set dtype
08:27 Ones and Zeros
10:10 Random array
12:12 Array dtype changes by division (int to float)
12:40 Transpose
13:00 Reference and not a copy
13:45 Copy array
14:02 Element-wise operations on Arrays
14:50 multiply, matmul, dot for vectors and matrices.
17:43 Casting - converting from strings to integers. (astype)
18:40 Indexing 1d array
19:26 Slice is a reference, copy
19:55 abs value on a Numpy array
22:17 Logical not on a Numpy array
23:36 Vectorize a function
27:36 Filtering array (selecting some of the values from an array)
33:00 Some statistics (sum, mean, std, var)
33:35 Serialization (saving an array to a file)
35:37 Load from Matlab file to a Numpy array
37:24 Save a Numpy array as a Matlab file
37:49 Horizontal stack vectors (hstack)
38:31 Append or Vertical stack vectors and matrices (vstack)
38:50 uint, int - showing data overflow
Part 40 (1:11:05 min)
00:00 Programming intro
02:00 Types of Software
08:18 Computer Hardware Architecture
24:27 Connectors
26:32 bits and bytes (somewhere else)
26:52 Year 2000 (Y2K) (see part 23)
27:17 Year 2038 problem (see part 23)
27:23 Incorrect floating point number representation (somewhere else)
27:47 Operating Systems
31:55 Programming paradigms
38:55 Different OOP systems
40:11 Compiled vs. Interpreted languages (elsewhere)
40:20 Open Source
52:47 Version Control
57:00 Software Testing
59:14 ASCII - Unicode (see part 9 and 10)
59:17 Complexity (see part 18 and 22)
59:32 What is the Internet
1:03:56 What is the Cloud?
1:04:45 Software Development methods
Part 41 (1:01:53 min)
00:00 Pandas - Python Data Analysis Library
01:10 Datasets in use (Planets, Stack Overflow Survey data)
05:48 Read CSV file into DataFrame
11:05 DataFrame Statistics
14:35 Show first and last rows
15:37 DataFrame select columns
17:37 DataFrame select rows (iloc)
18:37 DataFrame select rows and columns
19:05 DataFrame filter rows by size
20:25 DataFrame filter rows by value
21:17 Filter elementwise boolean and
23:34 sort (sort_values)
24:09 loc vs. iloc
28:03 Add calculated column, remove, delete (drop) column
30:11 Calculation (gravitational force)
36:03 Read CSV set index column
36:50 Count values
38:35 Select top items (head, tail)
40:24 Pandas Show histogram
42:13 Pandas read selected columns
44:30 Read files in chunks
49:24 Combine columns using any function (apply, vectorize)
51:24 Read Excel files (read_excel) (to_excel)
52:00 Create Excel file for experiment with random data
55:14 Calculate Genome metrics
57:25 Exercise: Pandas (incl. Kaggle)
Part 42 (1:02:39 min)
00:00 Jupyter notebook
01:27 Installing Jupyter
02:20 Launching Jupyter notebook
05:45 Create a new notebook
07:00 Rename notebook
09:25 Two modes of work
14:40 Show the help by pressing h in command mode.
15:20 a, b to add a box above and below
16:45 The format of the notebook files, JSON
24:10 JSON format
25:28 Intellisense, TAB completition
26:14 Starting Jupyter notebook from the command line
26:53 add.ipynb
28:32 planets.ipynb (Markdown)
31:00 How can we see when a piece of code is running? (The star)
33:40 Seaborn (sns) example
36:09 SatckOverflow (skipping)
37:54 scipy.ipynb (showing and changing an image)
45:08 Create random image
45:43 Load image using OpenCV
52:10 Do you usually use multiple editors or just a single editor?
54:45 IPy widgets
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